# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Email module Handler module ReplyProcessing private def author raise NotImplementedError end def project raise NotImplementedError end def message @message ||= process_message end def message_including_reply @message_with_reply ||= process_message(trim_reply: false) end def process_message(**kwargs) message = ReplyParser.new(mail, **kwargs).execute.strip add_attachments(message) end def add_attachments(reply) attachments = Email::AttachmentUploader.new(mail).execute(project) reply + attachments.map do |link| "\n\n#{link[:markdown]}" end.join end def validate_permission!(permission) raise UserNotFoundError unless author raise UserBlockedError if author.blocked? if project raise ProjectNotFound unless author.can?(:read_project, project) end raise UserNotAuthorizedError unless author.can?(permission, project || noteable) end def verify_record!(record:, invalid_exception:, record_name:) return if record.persisted? return if record.errors.key?(:commands_only) error_title = "The #{record_name} could not be created for the following reasons:" msg = error_title + record.errors.full_messages.map do |error| "\n\n- #{error}" end.join raise invalid_exception, msg end end end end end