import { shallowMount, RouterLinkStub } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlBadge, GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import TableRow from '~/repository/components/table/row.vue'; import Icon from '~/vue_shared/components/icon.vue'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility'); let vm; let $router; function factory(propsData = {}) { $router = { push: jest.fn(), }; vm = shallowMount(TableRow, { propsData: { ...propsData, name: propsData.path, projectPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce', url: ``, }, mocks: { $router, }, stubs: { RouterLink: RouterLinkStub, }, }); vm.setData({ ref: 'master' }); } describe('Repository table row component', () => { afterEach(() => { vm.destroy(); }); it('renders table row', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'file', currentPath: '/', }); expect(vm.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it.each` type | component | componentName ${'tree'} | ${RouterLinkStub} | ${'RouterLink'} ${'file'} | ${'a'} | ${'hyperlink'} ${'commit'} | ${'a'} | ${'hyperlink'} `('renders a $componentName for type $type', ({ type, component }) => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type, currentPath: '/', }); expect(vm.find(component).exists()).toBe(true); }); it.each` type | pushes ${'tree'} | ${true} ${'file'} | ${false} ${'commit'} | ${false} `('pushes new router if type $type is tree', ({ type, pushes }) => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type, currentPath: '/', }); vm.trigger('click'); if (pushes) { expect($router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ path: '/tree/master/test' }); } else { expect($router.push).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); it.each` type | pushes ${'tree'} | ${true} ${'file'} | ${false} ${'commit'} | ${false} `('calls visitUrl if $type is not tree', ({ type, pushes }) => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type, currentPath: '/', }); vm.trigger('click'); if (pushes) { expect(visitUrl).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', undefined); } }); it('renders commit ID for submodule', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'commit', currentPath: '/', }); expect(vm.find('.commit-sha').text()).toContain('1'); }); it('renders link with href', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'blob', url: '', currentPath: '/', }); expect(vm.find('a').attributes('href')).toEqual(''); }); it('renders LFS badge', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'commit', currentPath: '/', lfsOid: '1', }); expect(vm.find(GlBadge).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders commit and web links with href for submodule', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'commit', url: '', submoduleTreeUrl: '', currentPath: '/', }); expect(vm.find('a').attributes('href')).toEqual(''); expect(vm.find(GlLink).attributes('href')).toEqual(''); }); it('renders lock icon', () => { factory({ id: '1', sha: '123', path: 'test', type: 'tree', currentPath: '/', }); vm.setData({ commit: { lockLabel: 'Locked by Root', committedDate: '2019-01-01' } }); expect(vm.find(Icon).exists()).toBe(true); }); });