# frozen_string_literal: true module StubFeatureFlags # Stub Feature flags with `flag_name: true/false` # # @param [Hash] features where key is feature name and value is boolean whether enabled or not. # Alternatively, you can specify Hash to enable the flag on a specific thing. # # Examples # - `stub_feature_flags(ci_live_trace: false)` ... Disable `ci_live_trace` # feature flag globally. # - `stub_feature_flags(ci_live_trace: { enabled: false, thing: project })` ... # Disable `ci_live_trace` feature flag on the specified project. def stub_feature_flags(features) features.each do |feature_name, option| if option.is_a?(Hash) enabled, thing = option.values_at(:enabled, :thing) else enabled = option thing = nil end if thing allow(Feature).to receive(:enabled?).with(feature_name, thing, any_args) { enabled } allow(Feature).to receive(:enabled?).with(feature_name.to_s, thing, any_args) { enabled } else allow(Feature).to receive(:enabled?).with(feature_name, any_args) { enabled } allow(Feature).to receive(:enabled?).with(feature_name.to_s, any_args) { enabled } end end end end