import Vue from 'vue'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import { mapToDashboardViewModel, normalizeQueryResult } from './utils'; import { BACKOFF_TIMEOUT } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import { metricStates } from '../constants'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; /** * Locate and return a metric in the dashboard by its id * as generated by `uniqMetricsId()`. * @param {String} metricId Unique id in the dashboard * @param {Object} dashboard Full dashboard object */ const findMetricInDashboard = (metricId, dashboard) => { let res = null; dashboard.panelGroups.forEach(group => { group.panels.forEach(panel => { panel.metrics.forEach(metric => { if (metric.metricId === metricId) { res = metric; } }); }); }); return res; }; /** * Set a new state for a metric. * * Initally metric data is not populated, so `Vue.set` is * used to add new properties to the metric. * * @param {Object} metric - Metric object as defined in the dashboard * @param {Object} state - New state * @param {Array|null} state.result - Array of results * @param {String} state.error - Error code from metricStates * @param {Boolean} state.loading - True if the metric is loading */ const setMetricState = (metric, { result = null, loading = false, state = null }) => { Vue.set(metric, 'result', result); Vue.set(metric, 'loading', loading); Vue.set(metric, 'state', state); }; /** * Maps a backened error state to a `metricStates` constant * @param {Object} error - Error from backend response */ const emptyStateFromError = error => { if (!error) { return metricStates.UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Special error responses if (error.message === BACKOFF_TIMEOUT) { return metricStates.TIMEOUT; } // Axios error responses const { response } = error; if (response && response.status === httpStatusCodes.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { return metricStates.CONNECTION_FAILED; } else if (response && response.status === httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST) { // Note: "" may contain Prometheus error information return metricStates.BAD_QUERY; } return metricStates.UNKNOWN_ERROR; }; export default { /** * Dashboard panels structure and global state */ [types.REQUEST_METRICS_DATA](state) { state.emptyState = 'loading'; state.showEmptyState = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_METRICS_DATA_SUCCESS](state, dashboard) { state.dashboard = mapToDashboardViewModel(dashboard); if (!state.dashboard.panelGroups.length) { state.emptyState = 'noData'; } }, [types.RECEIVE_METRICS_DATA_FAILURE](state, error) { state.emptyState = error ? 'unableToConnect' : 'noData'; state.showEmptyState = true; }, /** * Deployments and environments */ [types.RECEIVE_DEPLOYMENTS_DATA_SUCCESS](state, deployments) { state.deploymentData = deployments; }, [types.RECEIVE_DEPLOYMENTS_DATA_FAILURE](state) { state.deploymentData = []; }, [types.REQUEST_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA](state) { state.environmentsLoading = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_SUCCESS](state, environments) { state.environmentsLoading = false; state.environments = environments; }, [types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_FAILURE](state) { state.environmentsLoading = false; state.environments = []; }, /** * Individual panel/metric results */ [types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT](state, { metricId }) { const metric = findMetricInDashboard(metricId, state.dashboard); setMetricState(metric, { loading: true, state: metricStates.LOADING, }); }, [types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_SUCCESS](state, { metricId, result }) { if (!metricId) { return; } state.showEmptyState = false; const metric = findMetricInDashboard(metricId, state.dashboard); if (!result || result.length === 0) { setMetricState(metric, { state: metricStates.NO_DATA, }); } else { const normalizedResults =; setMetricState(metric, { result: Object.freeze(normalizedResults), state: metricStates.OK, }); } }, [types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_FAILURE](state, { metricId, error }) { if (!metricId) { return; } const metric = findMetricInDashboard(metricId, state.dashboard); setMetricState(metric, { state: emptyStateFromError(error), }); }, [types.SET_ENDPOINTS](state, endpoints = {}) { const endpointKeys = [ 'metricsEndpoint', 'deploymentsEndpoint', 'dashboardEndpoint', 'dashboardsEndpoint', 'currentDashboard', 'projectPath', 'logsPath', ]; Object.entries(pick(endpoints, endpointKeys)).forEach(([key, value]) => { state[key] = value; }); }, [types.SET_TIME_RANGE](state, timeRange) { state.timeRange = timeRange; }, [types.SET_GETTING_STARTED_EMPTY_STATE](state) { state.emptyState = 'gettingStarted'; }, [types.SET_NO_DATA_EMPTY_STATE](state) { state.showEmptyState = true; state.emptyState = 'noData'; }, [types.SET_ALL_DASHBOARDS](state, dashboards) { state.allDashboards = dashboards || []; }, [types.SET_SHOW_ERROR_BANNER](state, enabled) { state.showErrorBanner = enabled; }, [types.SET_PANEL_GROUP_METRICS](state, payload) { const panelGroup = state.dashboard.panelGroups.find(pg => payload.key === pg.key); panelGroup.panels = payload.panels; }, [types.SET_ENVIRONMENTS_FILTER](state, searchTerm) { state.environmentsSearchTerm = searchTerm; }, };