import { backOff } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import flash from '~/flash'; import { s__ } from '~/locale'; import { convertToFixedRange } from '~/lib/utils/datetime_range'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; const flashTimeRangeWarning = () => { flash(s__('Metrics|Invalid time range, please verify.'), 'warning'); }; const flashLogsError = () => { flash(s__('Metrics|There was an error fetching the logs, please try again')); }; const requestUntilData = (url, params) => backOff((next, stop) => { axios .get(url, { params }) .then(res => { if (res.status === httpStatusCodes.ACCEPTED) { next(); return; } stop(res); }) .catch(err => { stop(err); }); }); const requestLogsUntilData = state => { const params = {}; const { logs_api_path } = state.environments.options.find( ({ name }) => name === state.environments.current, ); if (state.pods.current) { params.pod_name = state.pods.current; } if ( { =; } if (state.timeRange.current) { try { const { start, end } = convertToFixedRange(state.timeRange.current); params.start = start; params.end = end; } catch { flashTimeRangeWarning(); } } if (state.logs.cursor) { params.cursor = state.logs.cursor; } return requestUntilData(logs_api_path, params); }; export const setInitData = ({ commit }, { timeRange, environmentName, podName }) => { commit(types.SET_TIME_RANGE, timeRange); commit(types.SET_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT, environmentName); commit(types.SET_CURRENT_POD_NAME, podName); }; export const showPodLogs = ({ dispatch, commit }, podName) => { commit(types.SET_CURRENT_POD_NAME, podName); dispatch('fetchLogs'); }; export const setSearch = ({ dispatch, commit }, searchQuery) => { commit(types.SET_SEARCH, searchQuery); dispatch('fetchLogs'); }; export const setTimeRange = ({ dispatch, commit }, timeRange) => { commit(types.SET_TIME_RANGE, timeRange); dispatch('fetchLogs'); }; export const showEnvironment = ({ dispatch, commit }, environmentName) => { commit(types.SET_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT, environmentName); commit(types.SET_CURRENT_POD_NAME, null); dispatch('fetchLogs'); }; /** * Fetch environments data and initial logs * @param {Object} store * @param {String} environmentsPath */ export const fetchEnvironments = ({ commit, dispatch }, environmentsPath) => { commit(types.REQUEST_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA); return axios .get(environmentsPath) .then(({ data }) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_SUCCESS, data.environments); dispatch('fetchLogs'); }) .catch(() => { commit(types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_ERROR); flash(s__('Metrics|There was an error fetching the environments data, please try again')); }); }; export const fetchLogs = ({ commit, state }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_PODS_DATA); commit(types.REQUEST_LOGS_DATA); return requestLogsUntilData(state) .then(({ data }) => { const { pod_name, pods, logs, cursor } = data; commit(types.SET_CURRENT_POD_NAME, pod_name); commit(types.RECEIVE_PODS_DATA_SUCCESS, pods); commit(types.RECEIVE_LOGS_DATA_SUCCESS, { logs, cursor }); }) .catch(() => { commit(types.RECEIVE_PODS_DATA_ERROR); commit(types.RECEIVE_LOGS_DATA_ERROR); flashLogsError(); }); }; export const fetchMoreLogsPrepend = ({ commit, state }) => { if (state.logs.isComplete) { // return when all logs are loaded return Promise.resolve(); } commit(types.REQUEST_LOGS_DATA_PREPEND); return requestLogsUntilData(state) .then(({ data }) => { const { logs, cursor } = data; commit(types.RECEIVE_LOGS_DATA_PREPEND_SUCCESS, { logs, cursor }); }) .catch(() => { commit(types.RECEIVE_LOGS_DATA_PREPEND_ERROR); flashLogsError(); }); }; // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};