export const jobLog = [ { offset: 1000, content: [{ text: 'Running with gitlab-runner 12.1.0 (de7731dd)' }], }, { offset: 1001, content: [{ text: ' on docker-auto-scale-com 8a6210b8' }], }, { offset: 1002, content: [ { text: 'Using Docker executor with image dev.gitlab.org3', }, ], sections: ['prepare-executor'], section_header: true, }, { offset: 1003, content: [{ text: 'Starting service postgres:9.6.14 ...', style: 'text-green' }], sections: ['prepare-executor'], }, ]; export const utilsMockData = [ { offset: 1001, content: [{ text: ' on docker-auto-scale-com 8a6210b8' }], }, { offset: 1002, content: [ { text: 'Using Docker executor with image dev.gitlab.org:5005/gitlab/gitlab-build-images:ruby-2.6.3-golang-1.11-git-2.22-chrome-73.0-node-12.x-yarn-1.16-postgresql-9.6-graphicsmagick-1.3.33', }, ], sections: ['prepare-executor'], section_header: true, }, { offset: 1003, content: [{ text: 'Starting service postgres:9.6.14 ...' }], sections: ['prepare-executor'], }, { offset: 1004, content: [{ text: 'Pulling docker image postgres:9.6.14 ...', style: 'term-fg-l-green' }], sections: ['prepare-executor'], }, { offset: 1005, content: [], sections: ['prepare-executor'], section_duration: '10:00', }, ]; export const originalTrace = [ { offset: 1, content: [ { text: 'Downloading', }, ], }, ]; export const regularIncremental = [ { offset: 2, content: [ { text: 'log line', }, ], }, ]; export const regularIncrementalRepeated = [ { offset: 1, content: [ { text: 'log line', }, ], }, ]; export const headerTrace = [ { offset: 1, section_header: true, content: [ { text: 'log line', }, ], sections: ['section'], }, ]; export const headerTraceIncremental = [ { offset: 1, section_header: true, content: [ { text: 'updated log line', }, ], sections: ['section'], }, ]; export const collapsibleTrace = [ { offset: 1, section_header: true, content: [ { text: 'log line', }, ], sections: ['section'], }, { offset: 2, content: [ { text: 'log line', }, ], sections: ['section'], }, ]; export const collapsibleTraceIncremental = [ { offset: 2, content: [ { text: 'updated log line', }, ], sections: ['section'], }, ];