- commit_sha = link_to deployment.short_sha, project_commit_path(@project, deployment.sha), class: "commit-sha has-tooltip", title: h(deployment.commit_title) .modal.ws-normal.fade{ tabindex: -1, id: "confirm-rollback-modal-#{deployment.id}" } .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header %h4.modal-title.d-flex.mw-100 - if deployment.last? = s_("Environments|Re-deploy environment %{environment_name}?") % {environment_name: @environment.name} - else = s_("Environments|Rollback environment %{environment_name}?") % {environment_name: @environment.name} .modal-body - if deployment.last? %p= s_('Environments|This action will relaunch the job for commit %{commit_id}, putting the environment in a previous version. Are you sure you want to continue?').html_safe % {commit_id: commit_sha} - else %p = s_('Environments|This action will run the job defined by staging for commit %{commit_id}, putting the environment in a previous version. You can revert it by re-deploying the latest version of your application. Are you sure you want to continue?').html_safe % {commit_id: commit_sha} .modal-footer = button_tag _('Cancel'), type: 'button', class: 'btn btn-cancel', data: { dismiss: 'modal' } = link_to [:retry, @project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, deployment.deployable], method: :post, class: 'btn btn-danger' do - if deployment.last? = s_('Environments|Re-deploy') - else = s_('Environments|Rollback')