import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { MATCH_LINE_TYPE, CONTEXT_LINE_TYPE, LINE_HOVER_CLASS_NAME, OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, EMPTY_CELL_TYPE, } from '../constants'; export const isHighlighted = (state, line, isCommented) => { if (isCommented) return true; const lineCode = line?.line_code; return lineCode ? lineCode === state.diffs.highlightedRow : false; }; export const isContextLine = type => type === CONTEXT_LINE_TYPE; export const isMatchLine = type => type === MATCH_LINE_TYPE; export const isMetaLine = type => [OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE, EMPTY_CELL_TYPE].includes(type); export const shouldRenderCommentButton = (isLoggedIn, isCommentButtonRendered) => { return isCommentButtonRendered && isLoggedIn; }; export const hasDiscussions = line => line?.discussions?.length > 0; export const lineHref = line => `#${line?.line_code || ''}`; export const lineCode = line => { if (!line) return undefined; return line.line_code || line.left?.line_code || line.right?.line_code; }; export const classNameMapCell = (line, hll, isLoggedIn, isHover) => { if (!line) return []; const { type } = line; return [ type, { hll, [LINE_HOVER_CLASS_NAME]: isLoggedIn && isHover && !isContextLine(type) && !isMetaLine(type), }, ]; }; export const addCommentTooltip = line => { let tooltip; if (!line) return tooltip; tooltip = __('Add a comment to this line'); const brokenSymlinks = line.commentsDisabled; if (brokenSymlinks) { if (brokenSymlinks.wasSymbolic || brokenSymlinks.isSymbolic) { tooltip = __( 'Commenting on symbolic links that replace or are replaced by files is currently not supported.', ); } else if (brokenSymlinks.wasReal || brokenSymlinks.isReal) { tooltip = __( 'Commenting on files that replace or are replaced by symbolic links is currently not supported.', ); } } return tooltip; }; export const parallelViewLeftLineType = (line, hll) => { if (line?.right?.type === NEW_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE) { return OLD_NO_NEW_LINE_TYPE; } const lineTypeClass = line?.left ? line.left.type : EMPTY_CELL_TYPE; return [lineTypeClass, { hll }]; }; export const shouldShowCommentButton = (hover, context, meta, discussions) => { return hover && !context && !meta && !discussions; };