# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module QueryLimiting class Transaction THREAD_KEY = :__gitlab_query_counts_transaction attr_accessor :count # The name of the action (e.g. `UsersController#show`) that is being # executed. attr_accessor :action # The maximum number of SQL queries that can be executed in a request. For # the sake of keeping things simple we hardcode this value here, it's not # supposed to be changed very often anyway. THRESHOLD = 100 LOG_THRESHOLD = THRESHOLD * 1.5 # Error that is raised whenever exceeding the maximum number of queries. ThresholdExceededError = Class.new(StandardError) def self.current Thread.current[THREAD_KEY] end # Starts a new transaction and returns it and the blocks' return value. # # Example: # # transaction, retval = Transaction.run do # 10 # end # # retval # => 10 def self.run transaction = new Thread.current[THREAD_KEY] = transaction [transaction, yield] ensure Thread.current[THREAD_KEY] = nil end def initialize @action = nil @count = 0 @sql_executed = [] end # Sends a notification based on the number of executed SQL queries. def act_upon_results return unless threshold_exceeded? error = ThresholdExceededError.new(error_message) raise(error) if raise_error? end def increment(sql = nil) @count += 1 if enabled? && !ignorable?(sql) end GEO_NODES_LOAD = 'SELECT 1 AS one FROM "geo_nodes" LIMIT 1' LICENSES_LOAD = 'SELECT "licenses".* FROM "licenses" ORDER BY "licenses"."id"' ATTR_INTROSPECTION = %r/SELECT .*\ba.attname\b.* (FROM|JOIN) pg_attribute a/m.freeze # queries can be safely ignored if they are amoritized in regular usage # (i.e. only requested occasionally and otherwise cached). def ignorable?(sql) return true if sql&.include?(GEO_NODES_LOAD) return true if sql&.include?(LICENSES_LOAD) return true if ATTR_INTROSPECTION =~ sql false end def executed_sql(sql) return if @count > LOG_THRESHOLD || ignorable?(sql) @sql_executed << sql end def raise_error? Rails.env.test? end def threshold_exceeded? count > THRESHOLD end def error_message header = 'Too many SQL queries were executed' header = "#{header} in #{action}" if action msg = "a maximum of #{THRESHOLD} is allowed but #{count} SQL queries were executed" log = @sql_executed.each_with_index.map { |sql, i| "#{i}: #{sql}" }.join("\n").presence ellipsis = '...' if @count > LOG_THRESHOLD ["#{header}: #{msg}", log, ellipsis].compact.join("\n") end def enabled? ::Gitlab::QueryLimiting.enabled? end end end end