# frozen_string_literal: true require 'flipper/adapters/active_record' require 'flipper/adapters/active_support_cache_store' class Feature # Classes to override flipper table names class FlipperFeature < Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Feature include DatabaseReflection # Using `self.table_name` won't work. ActiveRecord bug? superclass.table_name = 'features' def self.feature_names pluck(:key) end end class FlipperGate < Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Gate superclass.table_name = 'feature_gates' end # To enable EE overrides class ActiveSupportCacheStoreAdapter < Flipper::Adapters::ActiveSupportCacheStore end InvalidFeatureFlagError = Class.new(Exception) # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class << self delegate :group, to: :flipper def feature_flags_available? # When the DBMS is not available, an exception (e.g. PG::ConnectionBad) is raised active_db_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.active? rescue false # rubocop:disable Database/MultipleDatabases active_db_connection && Feature::FlipperFeature.table_exists? rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError false end def all flipper.features.to_a end RecursionError = Class.new(RuntimeError) def get(key) with_feature(key, &:itself) end def persisted_names return [] unless ApplicationRecord.database.exists? # This loads names of all stored feature flags # and returns a stable Set in the following order: # - Memoized: using Gitlab::SafeRequestStore or @flipper # - L1: using Process cache # - L2: using Redis cache # - DB: using a single SQL query flipper.adapter.features end def persisted_name?(feature_name) # Flipper creates on-memory features when asked for a not-yet-created one. # If we want to check if a feature has been actually set, we look for it # on the persisted features list. persisted_names.include?(feature_name.to_s) end # The default state of feature flag is read from `YAML`: # 1. If feature flag does not have YAML it will fallback to `default_enabled: false` # in production environment, but raise exception in development or tests. # 2. The `default_enabled_if_undefined:` is tech debt related to Gitaly flags # and should not be used outside of Gitaly's `lib/feature/gitaly.rb` def enabled?(key, thing = nil, type: :development, default_enabled_if_undefined: nil) if check_feature_flags_definition? if thing && !thing.respond_to?(:flipper_id) raise InvalidFeatureFlagError, "The thing '#{thing.class.name}' for feature flag '#{key}' needs to include `FeatureGate` or implement `flipper_id`" end Feature::Definition.valid_usage!(key, type: type) end default_enabled = Feature::Definition.default_enabled?(key, default_enabled_if_undefined: default_enabled_if_undefined) feature_value = with_feature(key) do |feature| feature_value = current_feature_value(feature, thing, default_enabled: default_enabled) end # If not yielded, then either recursion is happening, or the database does not exist yet, so use default_enabled. feature_value = default_enabled if feature_value.nil? # If we don't filter out this flag here we will enter an infinite loop log_feature_flag_state(key, feature_value) if log_feature_flag_states?(key) feature_value end def disabled?(key, thing = nil, type: :development, default_enabled_if_undefined: nil) # we need to make different method calls to make it easy to mock / define expectations in test mode thing.nil? ? !enabled?(key, type: type, default_enabled_if_undefined: default_enabled_if_undefined) : !enabled?(key, thing, type: type, default_enabled_if_undefined: default_enabled_if_undefined) end def enable(key, thing = true) log(key: key, action: __method__, thing: thing) with_feature(key) { _1.enable(thing) } end def disable(key, thing = false) log(key: key, action: __method__, thing: thing) with_feature(key) { _1.disable(thing) } end def enable_percentage_of_time(key, percentage) log(key: key, action: __method__, percentage: percentage) with_feature(key) { _1.enable_percentage_of_time(percentage) } end def disable_percentage_of_time(key) log(key: key, action: __method__) with_feature(key, &:disable_percentage_of_time) end def enable_percentage_of_actors(key, percentage) log(key: key, action: __method__, percentage: percentage) with_feature(key) { _1.enable_percentage_of_actors(percentage) } end def disable_percentage_of_actors(key) log(key: key, action: __method__) with_feature(key, &:disable_percentage_of_actors) end def remove(key) return unless persisted_name?(key) log(key: key, action: __method__) with_feature(key, &:remove) end def reset Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.delete(:flipper) if Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? @flipper = nil end # This method is called from config/initializers/flipper.rb and can be used # to register Flipper groups. # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/feature_flags/index.html def register_feature_groups end def register_definitions Feature::Definition.reload! end def register_hot_reloader return unless check_feature_flags_definition? Feature::Definition.register_hot_reloader! end def logger @logger ||= Feature::Logger.build end def log_feature_flag_states?(key) Feature::Definition.log_states?(key) end def log_feature_flag_state(key, feature_value) logged_states[key] ||= feature_value end def logged_states RequestStore.fetch(:feature_flag_events) { {} } end private # Evaluate if `default enabled: false` or the feature has been persisted. # `persisted_name?` can potentially generate DB queries and also checks for inclusion # in an array of feature names (177 at last count), possibly reducing performance by half. # So we only perform the `persisted` check if `default_enabled: true` def current_feature_value(feature, thing, default_enabled:) return true if default_enabled && !Feature.persisted_name?(feature.name) feature.enabled?(thing) end # NOTE: it is not safe to call `Flipper::Feature#enabled?` outside the block def with_feature(key) feature = unsafe_get(key) yield feature if feature.present? ensure pop_recursion_stack end def unsafe_get(key) # During setup the database does not exist yet. So we haven't stored a value # for the feature yet and return the default. return unless ApplicationRecord.database.exists? flag_stack = ::Thread.current[:feature_flag_recursion_check] || [] Thread.current[:feature_flag_recursion_check] = flag_stack # Prevent more than 10 levels of recursion. This limit was chosen as a fairly # low limit while allowing some nesting of flag evaluation. We have not seen # this limit hit in production. if flag_stack.size > 10 Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(RecursionError.new('deep recursion'), stack: flag_stack) return elsif flag_stack.include?(key) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(RecursionError.new('self recursion'), stack: flag_stack) return end flag_stack.push(key) flipper.feature(key) end def pop_recursion_stack flag_stack = Thread.current[:feature_flag_recursion_check] flag_stack.pop if flag_stack end def flipper if Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:flipper] ||= build_flipper_instance(memoize: true) else @flipper ||= build_flipper_instance end end def build_flipper_instance(memoize: false) active_record_adapter = Flipper::Adapters::ActiveRecord.new( feature_class: FlipperFeature, gate_class: FlipperGate) # Redis L2 cache redis_cache_adapter = ActiveSupportCacheStoreAdapter.new( active_record_adapter, l2_cache_backend, expires_in: 1.hour, write_through: true) # Thread-local L1 cache: use a short timeout since we don't have a # way to expire this cache all at once flipper_adapter = Flipper::Adapters::ActiveSupportCacheStore.new( redis_cache_adapter, l1_cache_backend, expires_in: 1.minute) Flipper.new(flipper_adapter).tap do |flip| flip.memoize = memoize end end def check_feature_flags_definition? # We want to check feature flags usage only when # running in development or test environment Gitlab.dev_or_test_env? end def l1_cache_backend Gitlab::ProcessMemoryCache.cache_backend end def l2_cache_backend Rails.cache end def log(key:, action:, **extra) extra ||= {} extra = extra.transform_keys { |k| "extra.#{k}" } extra = extra.transform_values { |v| v.respond_to?(:flipper_id) ? v.flipper_id : v } extra = extra.transform_values(&:to_s) logger.info(key: key, action: action, **extra) end end class Target attr_reader :params def initialize(params) @params = params end def gate_specified? %i(user project group feature_group namespace).any? { |key| params.key?(key) } end def targets [feature_group, user, project, group, namespace].compact end private # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def feature_group return unless params.key?(:feature_group) Feature.group(params[:feature_group]) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def user return unless params.key?(:user) UserFinder.new(params[:user]).find_by_username! end def project return unless params.key?(:project) Project.find_by_full_path(params[:project]) end def group return unless params.key?(:group) Group.find_by_full_path(params[:group]) end def namespace return unless params.key?(:namespace) # We are interested in Group or UserNamespace Namespace.without_project_namespaces.find_by_full_path(params[:namespace]) end end end Feature::ActiveSupportCacheStoreAdapter.prepend_mod_with('Feature::ActiveSupportCacheStoreAdapter')