- name: "Support for legacy format of `config/database.yml` removed" announcement_milestone: "14.3" announcement_date: "2021-09-22" removal_milestone: "15.0" removal_date: "2022-05-22" # the date of the milestone release when this feature is planned to be removed breaking_change: true body: | The syntax of [GitLab's database](https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/database.html) configuration located in `database.yml` has changed and the legacy format has been removed. The legacy format supported a single PostgreSQL adapter, whereas the new format supports multiple databases. The `main:` database needs to be defined as a first configuration item. This change only impacts users compiling GitLab from source, all the other installation methods handle this configuration automatically. Instructions are available [in the source update documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/update/upgrading_from_source.html#new-configuration-options-for-databaseyml). stage: Enablement tiers: [Core, Premium, Ultimate] issue_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/338182