# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for 'snippet editor' do def description_field find('.js-description-input').find('input,textarea') end before do stub_feature_flags(allow_possible_spam: false) stub_feature_flags(snippets_vue: false) stub_feature_flags(monaco_snippets: flag) stub_env('IN_MEMORY_APPLICATION_SETTINGS', 'false') Gitlab::CurrentSettings.update!( akismet_enabled: true, akismet_api_key: 'testkey', recaptcha_enabled: true, recaptcha_site_key: 'test site key', recaptcha_private_key: 'test private key' ) sign_in(user) visit new_snippet_path fill_in 'personal_snippet_title', with: 'My Snippet Title' # Click placeholder first to expand full description field description_field.click fill_in 'personal_snippet_description', with: 'My Snippet **Description**' find('#personal_snippet_visibility_level_20').set(true) page.within('.file-editor') do el = flag == true ? find('.inputarea') : find('.ace_text-input', visible: false) el.send_keys 'Hello World!' end end shared_examples 'solve recaptcha' do it 'creates a snippet after solving reCaptcha' do click_button('Create snippet') wait_for_requests # it is impossible to test recaptcha automatically and there is no possibility to fill in recaptcha # recaptcha verification is skipped in test environment and it always returns true expect(page).not_to have_content('My Snippet Title') expect(page).to have_css('.recaptcha') click_button('Submit personal snippet') expect(page).to have_content('My Snippet Title') end end context 'when identified as a spam' do before do WebMock.stub_request(:any, /.*akismet.com.*/).to_return(body: "true", status: 200) end context 'when allow_possible_spam feature flag is false' do it_behaves_like 'solve recaptcha' end context 'when allow_possible_spam feature flag is true' do it_behaves_like 'solve recaptcha' end end context 'when not identified as a spam' do before do WebMock.stub_request(:any, /.*akismet.com.*/).to_return(body: "false", status: 200) end it 'creates a snippet' do click_button('Create snippet') wait_for_requests expect(page).not_to have_css('.recaptcha') expect(page).to have_content('My Snippet Title') end end end describe 'User creates snippet', :js do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } context 'when using Monaco' do it_behaves_like "snippet editor" do let(:flag) { true } end end context 'when using ACE' do it_behaves_like "snippet editor" do let(:flag) { false } end end end