--- type: reference, howto --- # Releases > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/41766) in GitLab 11.7. It is typical to create a [Git tag](../../../university/training/topics/tags.md) at the moment of release to introduce a checkpoint in your source code history, but in most cases your users will need compiled objects or other assets output by your CI system to use them, not just the raw source code. GitLab's **Releases** are a way to track deliverables in your project. Consider them a snapshot in time of the source, build output, artifacts, and other metadata associated with a released version of your code. ## Getting started with Releases Start by giving a [description](#release-description) to the Release and including its [assets](#release-assets), as follows. ## Release versioning Release versions are manually assigned by the user in the Release title. GitLab uses [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) for our releases, and we recommend you do too. Use `(Major).(Minor).(Patch)`, as detailed in the [GitLab Policy for Versioning](../../../policy/maintenance.md#versioning). For example, for GitLab version `10.5.7`: - `10` represents the major version. The major release was `10.0.0`, but often referred to as `10.0`. - `5` represents the minor version. The minor release was `10.5.0`, but often referred to as `10.5`. - `7` represents the patch number. Any part of the version number can be multiple digits, for example, `13.10.11`. ### Release description Every Release has a description. You can add any text you like, but we recommend including a changelog to describe the content of your release. This will allow your users to quickly scan the differences between each one you publish. NOTE: **Note:** [Git's tagging messages](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging) and Release descriptions are unrelated. Description supports [Markdown](../../markdown.md). ### Release assets You can currently add the following types of assets to each Release: - [Source code](#source-code): state of the repository at the time of the Release - [Links](#links): to content such as built binaries or documentation GitLab will support more asset types in the future, including objects such as pre-built packages, compliance/security evidence, or container images. #### Source code GitLab automatically generate `zip`, `tar.gz`, `tar.bz2` and `tar` archived source code from the given Git tag. These are read-only assets. #### Links A link is any URL which can point to whatever you like; documentation, built binaries, or other related materials. These can be both internal or external links from your GitLab instance. NOTE: **NOTE** You can manipulate links of each release entry with [Release Links API](../../../api/releases/links.md) #### Permanent links to Release assets > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/27300) in GitLab 12.9. The assets associated with a Release are accessible through a permanent URL. GitLab will always redirect this URL to the actual asset location, so even if the assets move to a different location, you can continue to use the same URL. This is defined during [link creation](../../../api/releases/links.md#create-a-link) or [updating](../../../api/releases/links.md#update-a-link). Each asset has a name, a URL of the *actual* asset location, and optionally, a `filepath` parameter, which, if you specify it, will create a URL pointing to the asset for the Release. The format of the URL is: ```html https://host/namespace/project/releases/:release/downloads/:filepath ``` If you have an asset for the `v11.9.0-rc2` release in the `gitlab-org` namespace and `gitlab-runner` project on `gitlab.com`, for example: ```json { "name": "linux amd64", "filepath": "/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-amd64", "url": "https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/v11.9.0-rc2/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-amd64" } ``` This asset has a direct link of: ```html https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/releases/v11.9.0-rc2/downloads/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-amd64 ``` The physical location of the asset can change at any time and the direct link will remain unchanged. ### Releases associated with milestones > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/29020) in GitLab 12.5. Releases can optionally be associated with one or more [project milestones](../milestones/index.md#project-milestones-and-group-milestones) by including a `milestones` array in your requests to the [Releases API](../../../api/releases/index.md#create-a-release). Releases display this association with the **Milestone** indicator in the top section of the Release block on the **Project overview > Releases** page, along with some statistics about the issues in the milestone(s). ![A Release with one associated milestone](img/release_with_milestone_v12_9.png) Below is an example of milestones with no Releases, one Release, and two Releases, respectively. ![Milestones with and without Release associations](img/milestone_list_with_releases_v12_5.png) This relationship is also visible in the **Releases** section of the sidebar when viewing a specific milestone. Below is an example of a milestone associated with a large number of Releases. ![Milestone with lots of associated Releases](img/milestone_with_releases_v12_5.png) ## Releases list Navigate to **Project > Releases** in order to see the list of releases for a given project. ![Releases list](img/releases_v12_9.png) ### Number of Releases > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/36667) in GitLab 12.8. The incremental number of Releases is displayed on the project's details page. When clicked, it takes you to the list of Releases. ![Number of Releases](img/releases_count_v12_8.png "Incremental counter of Releases") For private projects, the number of Releases is displayed to users with Reporter [permissions](../../permissions.md#project-members-permissions) or higher. For public projects, it is displayed to every user regardless of their permission level. ### Upcoming Releases > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/38105) in GitLab 12.1. A Release may be created ahead of time by specifying a future `released_at` date. Until the `released_at` date and time is reached, an **Upcoming Release** badge will appear next to the Release tag. Once the `released_at` date and time has passed, the badge is automatically removed. ![An upcoming release](img/upcoming_release_v12_7.png) ## Creating a Release > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/32812) in GitLab 12.9, Releases can be created directly through the GitLab Releases UI. NOTE: **Note:** Only users with Developer permissions or higher can create Releases. Read more about [Release permissions](../../../user/permissions.md#project-members-permissions). To create a new Release through the GitLab UI: 1. Navigate to **Project overview > Releases** and click the **New release** button. 1. On the **New Tag** page, fill out the tag details. 1. Optionally, in the **Release notes** field, enter the Release's description. If you leave this field empty, only a tag will be created. If you populate it, both a tag and a Release will be created. 1. Click **Create tag**. If you created a release, you can view it at **Project overview > Releases**. You can also create a Release using the [Releases API](../../../api/releases/index.md#create-a-release): we recommend doing this as one of the last steps in your CI/CD release pipeline. ## Editing a release > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/26016) in GitLab 12.6. To edit the details of a release, navigate to **Project overview > Releases** and click the edit button (pencil icon) in the top-right corner of the release you want to modify. ![A release with an edit button](img/release_edit_button_v12_6.png) This will bring you to the **Edit Release** page, from which you can change some of the release's details. ![Edit release page](img/edit_release_page_v12_6.png) Currently, it is only possible to edit the release title and notes. To change other release information, such as its tag, associated milestones, or release date, use the [Releases API](../../../api/releases/index.md#update-a-release). Editing this information through the **Edit Release** page is planned for a future version of GitLab. ## Notification for Releases > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/26001) in GitLab 12.4. You can be notified by email when a new Release is created for your project. To subscribe to Release notifications: 1. Navigate to your **Project**'s landing page. 1. Click the bell icon (**Notification setting**). 1. Select **Custom** from the dropdown menu. ![Custom notification - Dropdown menu](img/custom_notifications_dropdown_v12_5.png) 1. Select **New release**. ![Custom notification - New release](img/custom_notifications_new_release_v12_5.png) ## Add release notes to Git tags You can add release notes to any Git tag using the notes feature. Release notes behave like any other Markdown form in GitLab so you can write text and drag and drop files to it. Release notes are stored in GitLab's database. There are several ways to add release notes: - In the interface, when you create a new Git tag. - In the interface, by adding a release note to an existing Git tag. - Using the [Releases API](../../../api/releases/index.md): (we recommend doing this as one of the last steps in your CI/CD release pipeline). To create a new tag, navigate to your project's **Repository > Tags** and click **New tag**. From there, you can fill the form with all the information about the release: ![new_tag](img/new_tag_12_5.png "Creation of a new tag.") You can also edit an existing tag to add release notes: ![tags](img/tags_12_5.png "Addition of note to an existing tag") ## Release Evidence > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/26019) in GitLab 12.6. Each time a new release is created, specific related data is collected in parallel. This dataset will be a snapshot this new release (including linked milestones and issues) at moment of creation. Such collection of data will provide a chain of custody and facilitate processes like external audits, for example. The gathered evidence data is stored in the database upon creation of a new release as a JSON object. In GitLab 12.6, a link to the evidence data is provided for [each Release](#releases-list). Here is what this object can look like: ```json { "release": { "id": 5, "tag": "v4.0", "name": "New release", "project_id": 45, "project_name": "Project name", "released_at": "2019-06-28 13:23:40 UTC", "milestones": [ { "id": 11, "title": "v4.0-rc1", "state": "closed", "due_date": "2019-05-12 12:00:00 UTC", "created_at": "2019-04-17 15:45:12 UTC", "issues": [ { "id": 82, "title": "The top-right popup is broken", "author_name": "John Doe", "author_email": "john@doe.com", "state": "closed", "due_date": "2019-05-10 12:00:00 UTC" }, { "id": 89, "title": "The title of this page is misleading", "author_name": "Jane Smith", "author_email": "jane@smith.com", "state": "closed", "due_date": "nil" } ] }, { "id": 12, "title": "v4.0-rc2", "state": "closed", "due_date": "2019-05-30 18:30:00 UTC", "created_at": "2019-04-17 15:45:12 UTC", "issues": [] } ] } } ``` ### Enabling Release Evidence display **(CORE ONLY)** This feature comes with the `:release_evidence_collection` feature flag disabled by default in GitLab self-managed instances. To turn it on, ask a GitLab administrator with Rails console access to run the following command: ```ruby Feature.enable(:release_evidence_collection) ``` NOTE: **Note:** Please note that Release Evidence's data is collected regardless of this feature flag, which only enables or disables the display of the data on the Releases page. ### Scheduled Evidence creation > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/23697) in GitLab 12.8. When the `released_at` date and time is not provided, the date and time of Release creation is used. The Evidence collection background job is immediately executed. If a future `released_at` is specified, the Release becomes an **Upcoming Release**. In this case, the Evidence is scheduled to be collected at the `released_at` date and time, via a background job. If a past `released_at` is used, no Evidence is collected for the Release.