import { GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import IntegrationView from '~/profile/preferences/components/integration_view.vue'; import ProfilePreferences from '~/profile/preferences/components/profile_preferences.vue'; import { i18n } from '~/profile/preferences/constants'; import { integrationViews, userFields, bodyClasses, themes, lightModeThemeId1, darkModeThemeId, lightModeThemeId2, } from '../mock_data'; const expectedUrl = '/foo'; describe('ProfilePreferences component', () => { let wrapper; const defaultProvide = { integrationViews: [], userFields, bodyClasses, themes, profilePreferencesPath: '/update-profile', formEl: document.createElement('form'), }; function createComponent(options = {}) { const { props = {}, provide = {}, attachTo } = options; return extendedWrapper( shallowMount(ProfilePreferences, { provide: { ...defaultProvide, ...provide, }, propsData: props, attachTo, }), ); } function findIntegrationsDivider() { return wrapper.findByTestId('profile-preferences-integrations-rule'); } function findIntegrationsHeading() { return wrapper.findByTestId('profile-preferences-integrations-heading'); } function findSubmitButton() { return wrapper.findComponent(GlButton); } function findFlashError() { return document.querySelector('.flash-container .flash-text'); } function createThemeInput(themeId = lightModeThemeId1) { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('name', 'user[theme_id]'); input.setAttribute('type', 'radio'); input.setAttribute('value', themeId.toString()); input.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); return input; } function createForm(themeInput = createThemeInput()) { const form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('url', expectedUrl); form.setAttribute('method', 'put'); form.appendChild(themeInput); return form; } function setupBody() { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('container-fluid'); document.body.appendChild(div); document.body.classList.add('content-wrapper'); } beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('
'); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); it('should not render Integrations section', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const views = wrapper.findAll(IntegrationView); const divider = findIntegrationsDivider(); const heading = findIntegrationsHeading(); expect(divider.exists()).toBe(false); expect(heading.exists()).toBe(false); expect(views).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should render Integration section', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ provide: { integrationViews } }); const divider = findIntegrationsDivider(); const heading = findIntegrationsHeading(); const views = wrapper.findAll(IntegrationView); expect(divider.exists()).toBe(true); expect(heading.exists()).toBe(true); expect(views).toHaveLength(integrationViews.length); }); describe('form submit', () => { let form; beforeEach(() => { setupBody(); form = createForm(); wrapper = createComponent({ provide: { formEl: form }, attachTo: document.body }); const beforeSendEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:beforeSend'); form.dispatchEvent(beforeSendEvent); }); it('disables the submit button', async () => { await nextTick(); const button = findSubmitButton(); expect(button.props('disabled')).toBe(true); }); it('success re-enables the submit button', async () => { const successEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:success'); form.dispatchEvent(successEvent); await nextTick(); const button = findSubmitButton(); expect(button.props('disabled')).toBe(false); }); it('error re-enables the submit button', async () => { const errorEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:error'); form.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); await nextTick(); const button = findSubmitButton(); expect(button.props('disabled')).toBe(false); }); it('displays the default success message', () => { const successEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:success'); form.dispatchEvent(successEvent); expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual(i18n.defaultSuccess); }); it('displays the custom success message', () => { const message = 'foo'; const successEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:success', { detail: [{ message }] }); form.dispatchEvent(successEvent); expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual(message); }); it('displays the default error message', () => { const errorEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:error'); form.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual(i18n.defaultError); }); it('displays the custom error message', () => { const message = 'bar'; const errorEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:error', { detail: [{ message }] }); form.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual(message); }); }); describe('theme changes', () => { const { location } = window; let themeInput; let form; function setupWrapper() { wrapper = createComponent({ provide: { formEl: form }, attachTo: document.body }); } function selectThemeId(themeId) { themeInput.setAttribute('value', themeId.toString()); } function dispatchBeforeSendEvent() { const beforeSendEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:beforeSend'); form.dispatchEvent(beforeSendEvent); } function dispatchSuccessEvent() { const successEvent = new CustomEvent('ajax:success'); form.dispatchEvent(successEvent); } beforeAll(() => { delete window.location; window.location = { ...location, reload: jest.fn(), }; }); afterAll(() => { window.location = location; }); beforeEach(() => { setupBody(); themeInput = createThemeInput(); form = createForm(themeInput); }); it('reloads the page when switching from light to dark mode', async () => { selectThemeId(lightModeThemeId1); setupWrapper(); selectThemeId(darkModeThemeId); dispatchBeforeSendEvent(); await nextTick(); dispatchSuccessEvent(); await nextTick(); expect(window.location.reload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('reloads the page when switching from dark to light mode', async () => { selectThemeId(darkModeThemeId); setupWrapper(); selectThemeId(lightModeThemeId1); dispatchBeforeSendEvent(); await nextTick(); dispatchSuccessEvent(); await nextTick(); expect(window.location.reload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('does not reload the page when switching between light mode themes', async () => { selectThemeId(lightModeThemeId1); setupWrapper(); selectThemeId(lightModeThemeId2); dispatchBeforeSendEvent(); await nextTick(); dispatchSuccessEvent(); await nextTick(); expect(window.location.reload).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });