import { FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM } from '~/packages_and_registries/shared/constants'; import { getQueryParams, keyValueToFilterToken, searchArrayToFilterTokens, extractFilterAndSorting, } from '~/packages_and_registries/shared/utils'; describe('Packages And Registries shared utils', () => { describe('getQueryParams', () => { it('returns an object from a query string, with arrays', () => { const queryString = 'foo=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2'; expect(getQueryParams(queryString)).toStrictEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: ['1', '2'] }); }); }); describe('keyValueToFilterToken', () => { it('returns an object in the correct form', () => { const type = 'myType'; const data = 1; expect(keyValueToFilterToken(type, data)).toStrictEqual({ type, value: { data } }); }); }); describe('searchArrayToFilterTokens', () => { it('returns an array of objects in the correct form', () => { const search = ['one', 'two']; expect(searchArrayToFilterTokens(search)).toStrictEqual([ { type: FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM, value: { data: 'one' } }, { type: FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM, value: { data: 'two' } }, ]); }); }); describe('extractFilterAndSorting', () => { it.each` search | type | sort | orderBy | result ${['one']} | ${'myType'} | ${'asc'} | ${'foo'} | ${{ sorting: { sort: 'asc', orderBy: 'foo' }, filters: [{ type: 'type', value: { data: 'myType' } }, { type: FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM, value: { data: 'one' } }] }} ${['one']} | ${null} | ${'asc'} | ${'foo'} | ${{ sorting: { sort: 'asc', orderBy: 'foo' }, filters: [{ type: FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM, value: { data: 'one' } }] }} ${[]} | ${null} | ${'asc'} | ${'foo'} | ${{ sorting: { sort: 'asc', orderBy: 'foo' }, filters: [] }} ${null} | ${null} | ${'asc'} | ${'foo'} | ${{ sorting: { sort: 'asc', orderBy: 'foo' }, filters: [] }} ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${'foo'} | ${{ sorting: { orderBy: 'foo' }, filters: [] }} ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${null} | ${{ sorting: {}, filters: [] }} `( 'returns sorting and filters objects in the correct form', ({ search, type, sort, orderBy, result }) => { const queryObject = { search, type, sort, orderBy, }; expect(extractFilterAndSorting(queryObject)).toStrictEqual(result); }, ); }); });