import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { setEndpoints, setMrMetadata, fetchMrMetadata } from '~/mr_notes/stores/actions'; import mutationTypes from '~/mr_notes/stores/mutation_types'; describe('MR Notes Mutator Actions', () => { describe('setEndpoints', () => { it('should trigger the SET_ENDPOINTS state mutation', (done) => { const endpoints = { endpointA: 'a' }; testAction( setEndpoints, endpoints, {}, [ { type: mutationTypes.SET_ENDPOINTS, payload: endpoints, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setMrMetadata', () => { it('should trigger the SET_MR_METADATA state mutation', async () => { const mrMetadata = { propA: 'a', propB: 'b' }; await testAction( setMrMetadata, mrMetadata, {}, [ { type: mutationTypes.SET_MR_METADATA, payload: mrMetadata, }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('fetchMrMetadata', () => { const mrMetadata = { meta: true, data: 'foo' }; const state = { endpoints: { metadata: 'metadata', }, }; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(state.endpoints.metadata).reply(200, mrMetadata); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('should fetch the data from the API', async () => { await fetchMrMetadata({ state, dispatch: () => {} }); await axios.waitForAll(); expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); expect(mock.history.get[0].url).toBe(state.endpoints.metadata); }); it('should set the fetched data into state', () => { return testAction( fetchMrMetadata, {}, state, [], [ { type: 'setMrMetadata', payload: mrMetadata, }, ], ); }); }); });