# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Pagination module Keyset # A Page models the pagination information for a particular page of the collection class Page # Default number of records for a page DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 20 # Maximum number of records for a page MAXIMUM_PAGE_SIZE = 100 attr_accessor :lower_bounds attr_reader :order_by def initialize(order_by: {}, lower_bounds: nil, per_page: DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) @order_by = order_by.symbolize_keys @lower_bounds = lower_bounds&.symbolize_keys @per_page = per_page end # Number of records to return per page def per_page return DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE if @per_page <= 0 [@per_page, MAXIMUM_PAGE_SIZE].min end # Construct a Page for the next page # Uses identical order_by/per_page information for the next page def next(lower_bounds) dup.tap do |next_page| next_page.lower_bounds = lower_bounds&.symbolize_keys end end end end end end