# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci module Build module Artifacts class Metadata ## # Class that represents an entry (path and metadata) to a file or # directory in GitLab CI Build Artifacts binary file / archive # # This is IO-operations safe class, that does similar job to # Ruby's Pathname but without the risk of accessing filesystem. # # This class is working only with UTF-8 encoded paths. # class Entry attr_reader :entries attr_writer :name def initialize(path, entries) @entries = entries @path = Artifacts::Path.new(path) end delegate :empty?, to: :children def directory? blank_node? || @path.directory? end def file? !directory? end def blob return unless file? @blob ||= Blob.decorate(::Ci::ArtifactBlob.new(self), nil) end def has_parent? nodes > 0 end def parent return unless has_parent? self.class.new(@path.to_s.chomp(basename), @entries) end def basename directory? && !blank_node? ? name + '/' : name end def name @name || @path.name end def children return [] unless directory? return @children if @children child_pattern = %r{^#{Regexp.escape(@path.to_s)}[^/]+/?$} @children = select_entries { |path| path =~ child_pattern } end def directories(opts = {}) return [] unless directory? dirs = children.select(&:directory?) return dirs unless has_parent? && opts[:parent] dotted_parent = parent dotted_parent.name = '..' dirs.prepend(dotted_parent) end def files return [] unless directory? children.select(&:file?) end def metadata @entries[@path.to_s] || {} end def nodes @path.nodes + (file? ? 1 : 0) end def blank_node? @path.to_s.empty? # "" is considered to be './' end def exists? blank_node? || @entries.include?(@path.to_s) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def total_size descendant_pattern = /^#{Regexp.escape(@path.to_s)}/ entries.sum do |path, entry| (entry[:size] if path =~ descendant_pattern).to_i end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def path @path.to_s end def to_s @path.to_s end def ==(other) path == other.path && @entries == other.entries end def inspect "#{self.class.name}: #{self}" end private def select_entries selected = @entries.select { |path, _metadata| yield path } selected.map { |path, _metadata| self.class.new(path, @entries) } end end end end end end end