review-cleanup: extends: - .default-retry - .review:rules:review-cleanup image: ${REVIEW_APPS_IMAGE} stage: prepare environment: name: review/regular-cleanup action: access before_script: - source scripts/ - !reference [".use-kube-context", before_script] - install_gitlab_gem - setup_gcloud script: - scripts/review_apps/automated_cleanup.rb || (scripts/slack review-apps-monitoring "☠️ \`${CI_JOB_NAME}\` failed! ☠️ See ${CI_JOB_URL} - " warning "GitLab Bot" && exit 1); .base-review-checks: extends: - .default-retry image: ${REVIEW_APPS_IMAGE} stage: prepare before_script: - source scripts/ - setup_gcloud - !reference [".use-kube-context", before_script] review-k8s-resources-count-checks: extends: - .base-review-checks - .review:rules:review-k8s-resources-count-checks needs: - job: review-cleanup optional: true environment: name: review/k8s-resources-count-checks action: verify script: - scripts/review_apps/ || (scripts/slack review-apps-monitoring "☠️ \`${CI_JOB_NAME}\` failed! ☠️ See ${CI_JOB_URL} - " warning "GitLab Bot" && exit 1); review-gcp-quotas-checks: extends: - .base-review-checks - .review:rules:review-gcp-quotas-checks needs: [] environment: name: review/gcp-quotas-checks action: verify script: - ruby scripts/review_apps/gcp-quotas-checks.rb || (scripts/slack review-apps-monitoring "☠️ \`${CI_JOB_NAME}\` failed! ☠️ See ${CI_JOB_URL} - " warning "GitLab Bot" && exit 1); start-review-app-pipeline: extends: - .review:rules:start-review-app-pipeline resource_group: review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}${SCHEDULE_TYPE} # CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG is not available here and we want this to be the same as the environment stage: review needs: - job: e2e-test-pipeline-generate - job: build-assets-image artifacts: false # These variables are set in the pipeline schedules. # They need to be explicitly passed on to the child pipeline. # variables: # This is needed by `review-build-cng-env` (`.gitlab/ci/review-apps/main.gitlab-ci.yml`). PARENT_PIPELINE_ID: $CI_PIPELINE_ID SCHEDULE_TYPE: $SCHEDULE_TYPE DAST_RUN: $DAST_RUN SKIP_MESSAGE: Skipping review-app due to mr containing only quarantine changes! trigger: strategy: depend include: - artifact: review-app-pipeline.yml job: e2e-test-pipeline-generate # Fetch child pipeline test results and store in parent pipeline # workaround until natively implemented: review-app-test-results: image: ${REGISTRY_HOST}/${REGISTRY_GROUP}/gitlab-build-images/debian-bullseye-ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}:bundler-2.3 stage: review extends: - .qa-cache - .review:rules:start-review-app-pipeline needs: - start-review-app-pipeline variables: COLORIZED_LOGS: "true" QA_LOG_LEVEL: "debug" before_script: - cd qa && bundle install script: - bundle exec rake "ci:download_test_results[start-review-app-pipeline,e2e-test-report,${CI_PROJECT_DIR}]" when: always allow_failure: true artifacts: when: always reports: junit: qa/tmp/rspec-*.xml danger-review: extends: - .default-retry - .ruby-node-cache - .review:rules:danger stage: test needs: [] before_script: - source scripts/ - bundle_install_script "--with danger" - yarn_install_script script: # ${DANGER_DANGERFILE} is used by Jihulab for customizing danger support: - > if [ -z "$DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN" ]; then run_timed_command danger_as_local else danger_id=$(echo -n ${DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN} | md5sum | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c5-10) run_timed_command "bundle exec danger --fail-on-errors=true --verbose --danger_id=\"${danger_id}\" --dangerfile=\"${DANGER_DANGERFILE:-Dangerfile}\"" fi danger-review-local: extends: - danger-review - .review:rules:danger-local script: - run_timed_command danger_as_local