# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module SlashCommands class IssueMove < IssueCommand def self.match(text) %r{ \A # the beginning of a string issue\s+move\s+ # the command \#?(?<iid>\d+)\s+ # the issue id, may preceded by hash sign (to\s+)? # aid the command to be much more human-ly (?<project_path>[^\s]+) # named group for id of dest. project }x.match(text) end def self.help_message 'issue move <issue_id> (to)? <project_path>' end def self.allowed?(project, user) can?(user, :admin_issue, project) end def execute(match) old_issue = find_by_iid(match[:iid]) target_project = Project.find_by_full_path(match[:project_path]) unless current_user.can?(:read_project, target_project) && old_issue return Gitlab::SlashCommands::Presenters::Access.new.not_found end new_issue = Issues::MoveService.new(project, current_user) .execute(old_issue, target_project) presenter(new_issue).present(old_issue) rescue Issues::MoveService::MoveError => e presenter(old_issue).display_move_error(e.message) end private def presenter(issue) Gitlab::SlashCommands::Presenters::IssueMove.new(issue) end end end end