# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module SidekiqMiddleware module SizeLimiter # Validate a Sidekiq job payload limit based on current configuration. # This validator pulls the configuration from the environment variables: # # - GITLAB_SIDEKIQ_SIZE_LIMITER_MODE: the current mode of the size # limiter. This must be either `track` or `raise`. # # - GITLAB_SIDEKIQ_SIZE_LIMITER_LIMIT_BYTES: the size limit in bytes. # # If the size of job payload after serialization exceeds the limit, an # error is tracked raised adhering to the mode. class Validator def self.validate!(worker_class, job) new(worker_class, job).validate! end DEFAULT_SIZE_LIMIT = 0 MODES = [ TRACK_MODE = 'track', RAISE_MODE = 'raise' ].freeze attr_reader :mode, :size_limit def initialize( worker_class, job, mode: ENV['GITLAB_SIDEKIQ_SIZE_LIMITER_MODE'], size_limit: ENV['GITLAB_SIDEKIQ_SIZE_LIMITER_LIMIT_BYTES'] ) @worker_class = worker_class @job = job @mode = (mode || TRACK_MODE).to_s.strip unless MODES.include?(@mode) ::Sidekiq.logger.warn "Invalid Sidekiq size limiter mode: #{@mode}. Fallback to #{TRACK_MODE} mode." @mode = TRACK_MODE end @size_limit = (size_limit || DEFAULT_SIZE_LIMIT).to_i if @size_limit < 0 ::Sidekiq.logger.warn "Invalid Sidekiq size limiter limit: #{@size_limit}" end end def validate! return unless @size_limit > 0 return if allow_big_payload? return if job_size <= @size_limit exception = ExceedLimitError.new(@worker_class, job_size, @size_limit) # This should belong to Gitlab::ErrorTracking. We'll remove this # after this epic is done: # https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-com/gl-infra/-/epics/396 exception.set_backtrace(backtrace) if raise_mode? raise exception else track(exception) end end private def job_size # This maynot be the optimal solution, but can be acceptable solution # for now. Internally, Sidekiq calls Sidekiq.dump_json everywhere. # There is no clean way to intefere to prevent double serialization. @job_size ||= ::Sidekiq.dump_json(@job).bytesize end def allow_big_payload? worker_class = @worker_class.to_s.safe_constantize worker_class.respond_to?(:big_payload?) && worker_class.big_payload? end def raise_mode? @mode == RAISE_MODE end def track(exception) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(exception) end def backtrace Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner.clean_backtrace(caller) end end end end end