# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Resolvers::Ci::RunnerProjectsResolver, feature_category: :runner_fleet do include GraphqlHelpers let_it_be(:project1) { create(:project, description: 'Project1.1') } let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project, description: 'Project1.2') } let_it_be(:project3) { create(:project, description: 'Project2.1') } let_it_be(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [project1, project2, project3]) } let(:args) { {} } subject { resolve_projects(args) } describe '#resolve' do context 'with authorized user', :enable_admin_mode do let(:current_user) { create(:user, :admin) } context 'with search argument' do let(:args) { { search: 'Project1.' } } it 'returns a lazy value with projects containing the specified prefix' do expect(subject).to be_a(GraphQL::Execution::Lazy) expect(subject.value).to contain_exactly(project1, project2) end end context 'with sort argument' do let(:args) { { sort: sort } } context 'when :id_asc' do let(:sort) { :id_asc } it 'returns a lazy value with projects sorted by :id_asc' do expect(subject).to be_a(GraphQL::Execution::Lazy) expect(subject.value.items).to eq([project1, project2, project3]) end end context 'when :id_desc' do let(:sort) { :id_desc } it 'returns a lazy value with projects sorted by :id_desc' do expect(subject).to be_a(GraphQL::Execution::Lazy) expect(subject.value.items).to eq([project3, project2, project1]) end end end context 'with supported arguments' do let(:args) { { membership: true, search_namespaces: true, topics: %w[xyz] } } it 'creates ProjectsFinder with expected arguments' do expect(ProjectsFinder).to receive(:new).with( a_hash_including( params: a_hash_including( non_public: true, search_namespaces: true, topic: %w[xyz] ) ) ).and_call_original expect(subject).to be_a(GraphQL::Execution::Lazy) subject.value end end context 'without arguments' do it 'returns a lazy value with all projects sorted by :id_asc' do expect(subject).to be_a(GraphQL::Execution::Lazy) expect(subject.value.items).to eq([project1, project2, project3]) end end end context 'with unauthorized user' do let(:current_user) { create(:user) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end private def resolve_projects(args = {}, context = { current_user: current_user }) resolve(described_class, obj: runner, args: args, ctx: context) end end