import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Attachment from '~/content_editor/extensions/attachment'; import DrawioDiagram from '~/content_editor/extensions/drawio_diagram'; import Image from '~/content_editor/extensions/image'; import Audio from '~/content_editor/extensions/audio'; import Video from '~/content_editor/extensions/video'; import Link from '~/content_editor/extensions/link'; import { VARIANT_DANGER } from '~/alert'; import { HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS_OK } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import eventHubFactory from '~/helpers/event_hub_factory'; import { createTestEditor, createDocBuilder, expectDocumentAfterTransaction } from '../test_utils'; import { PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_HTML, PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_SVG_HTML, PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_AUDIO_HTML, PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_VIDEO_HTML, PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_LINK_HTML, PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_DRAWIO_DIAGRAM_HTML, } from '../test_constants'; describe('content_editor/extensions/attachment', () => { let tiptapEditor; let doc; let p; let image; let audio; let drawioDiagram; let video; let link; let renderMarkdown; let mock; let eventHub; const uploadsPath = '/uploads/'; const imageFile = new File(['foo'], 'test-file.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const imageFileSvg = new File(['foo'], 'test-file.svg', { type: 'image/svg+xml' }); const audioFile = new File(['foo'], 'test-file.mp3', { type: 'audio/mpeg' }); const videoFile = new File(['foo'], 'test-file.mp4', { type: 'video/mp4' }); const videoFile1 = new File(['foo'], 'test-file1.mp4', { type: 'video/mp4' }); const drawioDiagramFile = new File(['foo'], 'test-file.drawio.svg', { type: 'image/svg+xml' }); const attachmentFile = new File(['foo'], '', { type: 'application/zip' }); const attachmentFile1 = new File(['foo'], '', { type: 'application/zip' }); const attachmentFile2 = new File(['foo'], '', { type: 'application/zip' }); const markdownApiResult = { 'test-file.png': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_HTML, 'test-file.svg': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_SVG_HTML, 'test-file.mp3': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_AUDIO_HTML, 'test-file.mp4': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_VIDEO_HTML, 'test-file1.mp4': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_VIDEO_HTML.replace(/test-file/g, 'test-file1'), '': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_LINK_HTML, '': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_LINK_HTML.replace(/test-file/g, 'test-file1'), '': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_LINK_HTML.replace(/test-file/g, 'test-file2'), 'test-file.drawio.svg': PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_DRAWIO_DIAGRAM_HTML, }; const [, group, project] = markdownApiResult[].match( /\/(group[0-9]+)\/(project[0-9]+)\//, ); const blobUrl = 'blob:'; beforeEach(() => { renderMarkdown = jest.fn(); eventHub = eventHubFactory(); tiptapEditor = createTestEditor({ extensions: [ Link, Image, Audio, Video, DrawioDiagram, Attachment.configure({ renderMarkdown, uploadsPath, eventHub }), ], }); ({ builders: { doc, p, image, audio, video, link, drawioDiagram }, } = createDocBuilder({ tiptapEditor, names: { image: { nodeType: }, link: { nodeType: }, audio: { nodeType: }, video: { nodeType: }, drawioDiagram: { nodeType: }, }, })); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); it.each` eventType | propName | eventData | output ${'paste'} | ${'handlePaste'} | ${{ clipboardData: { getData: jest.fn(), files: [attachmentFile] } }} | ${true} ${'paste'} | ${'handlePaste'} | ${{ clipboardData: { getData: jest.fn(), files: [] } }} | ${undefined} ${'drop'} | ${'handleDrop'} | ${{ dataTransfer: { getData: jest.fn(), files: [attachmentFile] } }} | ${true} `('handles $eventType properly', ({ eventType, propName, eventData, output }) => { mock.onPost().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, { link: { markdown: `![test-file](test-file.png)`, }, }); renderMarkdown.mockResolvedValue(PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_HTML); const event = Object.assign(new Event(eventType), eventData); const handled = tiptapEditor.view.someProp(propName, (eventHandler) => { return eventHandler(tiptapEditor.view, event); }); expect(handled).toBe(output); }); describe('uploadAttachment command', () => { let initialDoc; beforeEach(() => { initialDoc = doc(p('')); tiptapEditor.commands.setContent(initialDoc.toJSON()); }); describe.each` nodeType | html | file | mediaType ${'image (png)'} | ${PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_HTML} | ${imageFile} | ${(attrs) => image(attrs)} ${'image (svg)'} | ${PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_SVG_HTML} | ${imageFileSvg} | ${(attrs) => image(attrs)} ${'audio'} | ${PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_AUDIO_HTML} | ${audioFile} | ${(attrs) => audio(attrs)} ${'video'} | ${PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_VIDEO_HTML} | ${videoFile} | ${(attrs) => video(attrs)} ${'drawioDiagram'} | ${PROJECT_WIKI_ATTACHMENT_DRAWIO_DIAGRAM_HTML} | ${drawioDiagramFile} | ${(attrs) => drawioDiagram(attrs)} `('when the file is $nodeType', ({ html, file, mediaType }) => { beforeEach(() => { renderMarkdown.mockResolvedValue(html); }); describe('when uploading succeeds', () => { const successResponse = { link: { markdown: `![test-file](${})`, }, }; beforeEach(() => { mock.onPost().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, successResponse); }); it('inserts a media content with src set to the encoded content and uploading=file_name', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc( p(mediaType({ uploading:, src: blobUrl, alt: })), ); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 1, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }), }); }); it('updates the inserted content with canonicalSrc when upload is successful', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc( p( mediaType({ canonicalSrc:, src: blobUrl, alt: expect.stringContaining('test-file'), uploading: false, }), ), ); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 2, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }), }); }); }); describe('when uploading a large file', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Set max file size to 1 byte, our file is 3 bytes gon.max_file_size = 1 / 1024 / 1024; }); it('emits an alert event that includes an error message', () => { tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }); return new Promise((resolve) => { eventHub.$on('alert', ({ message, variant }) => { expect(variant).toBe(VARIANT_DANGER); expect(message).toContain('File is too big'); resolve(); }); }); }); }); describe('when uploading request fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onPost().reply(HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }); it('resets the doc to original state', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc(p('')); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 2, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }), }); }); it('emits an alert event that includes an error message', () => { tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }); return new Promise((resolve) => { eventHub.$on('alert', ({ message, variant }) => { expect(variant).toBe(VARIANT_DANGER); expect(message).toBe('An error occurred while uploading the file. Please try again.'); resolve(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('when the file has a zip (or any other attachment) mime type', () => { beforeEach(() => { renderMarkdown.mockResolvedValue(markdownApiResult[]); }); describe('when uploading succeeds', () => { const successResponse = { link: { markdown: '[test-file](', }, }; beforeEach(() => { mock.onPost().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, successResponse); }); it('inserts a link with a blob url', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc( p(link({ uploading:, href: blobUrl }, '')), ); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 1, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file: attachmentFile }), }); }); it('updates the blob url link with an actual link with canonicalSrc and href attrs', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc( p( link( { canonicalSrc: '', href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, }, '', ), ), ); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 2, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file: attachmentFile }), }); }); }); describe('when uploading request fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onPost().reply(HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }); it('resets the doc to orginal state', async () => { const expectedDoc = doc(p('')); await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 2, expectedDoc, action: () => tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file: attachmentFile }), }); }); it('emits an alert event that includes an error message', () => { tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file: attachmentFile }); eventHub.$on('alert', ({ message, variant }) => { expect(variant).toBe(VARIANT_DANGER); expect(message).toBe('An error occurred while uploading the file. Please try again.'); }); }); }); }); describe('uploading multiple files', () => { const uploadMultipleFiles = () => { const files = [ attachmentFile, imageFile, videoFile, attachmentFile1, attachmentFile2, videoFile1, audioFile, ]; for (const file of files) { renderMarkdown.mockImplementation((markdown) => Promise.resolve(markdownApiResult[markdown.match(/\((.+?)\)$/)[1]]), ); mock .onPost() .replyOnce(HTTP_STATUS_OK, { link: { markdown: `![test-file](${})` } }); tiptapEditor.commands.uploadAttachment({ file }); } }; it.each([ [1, () => doc(p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')))], [ 2, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), ), ], [ 3, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), ), ], [ 4, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), ), ], [ 5, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), ), ], [ 6, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), ), ], [ 7, () => doc( p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 8, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p(image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.png' })), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 9, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p(video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp4' })), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 10, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 11, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p(link({ href: blobUrl, uploading: '' }, '')), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 12, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p(video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file1.mp4' })), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 13, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file1.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p(audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, uploading: 'test-file.mp3' })), ), ], [ 14, () => doc( p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( image({ alt: 'test-file.png', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.png', uploading: false, }), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( link( { href: `/${group}/${project}/-/wikis/`, canonicalSrc: '', uploading: false, }, '', ), ), p( video({ alt: 'test-file1.mp4', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file1.mp4', uploading: false, }), ), p( audio({ alt: 'test-file.mp3', src: blobUrl, canonicalSrc: 'test-file.mp3', uploading: false, }), ), ), ], ])('uploads all files of mixed types successfully (tx %i)', async (n, document) => { await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: n, expectedDoc: document(), action: uploadMultipleFiles, }); }); it('cleans up the state if all uploads fail', async () => { await expectDocumentAfterTransaction({ tiptapEditor, number: 14, expectedDoc: doc(p(), p(), p(), p(), p(), p(), p()), action: () => { // Set max file size to 1 byte, our file is 3 bytes gon.max_file_size = 1 / 1024 / 1024; uploadMultipleFiles(); }, }); }); }); }); });