# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::MergeRequests::DiffsController, feature_category: :code_review_workflow do include ProjectForksHelper include TrackingHelpers shared_examples '404 for unexistent diffable' do context 'when diffable does not exists' do it 'returns 404' do go(diff_id: non_existing_record_id) expect(MergeRequestDiff.find_by(id: non_existing_record_id)).to be_nil expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when the merge_request_diff.id is blank' do it 'returns 404' do allow_next_instance_of(MergeRequest) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:merge_request_diff).and_return(MergeRequestDiff.new(merge_request_id: instance.id)) go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end shared_examples 'forked project with submodules' do render_views let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:forked_project) { fork_project_with_submodules(project) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, source_project: forked_project, source_branch: 'add-submodule-version-bump', target_branch: 'master', target_project: project) } before do project.add_developer(user) merge_request.reload go end it 'renders' do expect(response).to be_successful expect(response.body).to have_content('Subproject commit') end end shared_examples 'cached diff collection' do it 'ensures diff highlighting cache writing' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Diff::HighlightCache) do |cache| expect(cache).to receive(:write_if_empty).once end go end end shared_examples "diff note on-demand position creation" do it "updates diff discussion positions" do service = double("service") expect(Discussions::CaptureDiffNotePositionsService).to receive(:new).with(merge_request).and_return(service) expect(service).to receive(:execute) go end end shared_examples 'show the right diff files with previous diff_id' do context 'with previous diff_id' do let!(:merge_request_diff_1) { merge_request.merge_request_diffs.create!(head_commit_sha: '6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9') } let!(:merge_request_diff_2) { merge_request.merge_request_diffs.create!(head_commit_sha: '5937ac0a7beb003549fc5fd26fc247adbce4a52e', diff_type: :merge_head) } subject { go(diff_id: merge_request_diff_1.id, diff_head: true) } it 'shows the right diff files' do subject expect(json_response["diff_files"].size).to eq(merge_request_diff_1.files_count) end end end let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:maintainer) { true } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, target_project: project, source_project: project) } before do project.add_maintainer(user) if maintainer sign_in(user) end describe 'GET show' do def go(extra_params = {}) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace.to_param, project_id: project, id: merge_request.iid, format: 'json' } get :show, params: params.merge(extra_params) end context 'with default params' do context 'for the same project' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:rendered_for_merge_request?).and_return(true) end it 'serializes merge request diff collection' do expect_next_instance_of(DiffsSerializer) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:represent).with(an_instance_of(Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff), an_instance_of(Hash)) end go end end context 'when note is a legacy diff note' do before do create(:legacy_diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request) end it 'serializes merge request diff collection' do expect_next_instance_of(DiffsSerializer) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:represent).with(an_instance_of(Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff), an_instance_of(Hash)) end go end end it_behaves_like 'forked project with submodules' end it_behaves_like 'cached diff collection' it_behaves_like 'diff note on-demand position creation' end describe 'GET diffs_metadata' do shared_examples_for 'serializes diffs metadata with expected arguments' do it 'returns success' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'serializes paginated merge request diff collection' do expect_next_instance_of(DiffsMetadataSerializer) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:represent) .with(an_instance_of(collection), expected_options) .and_call_original end subject end end def go(extra_params = {}) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace.to_param, project_id: project, id: merge_request.iid, format: 'json' } get :diffs_metadata, params: params.merge(extra_params) end it_behaves_like '404 for unexistent diffable' it_behaves_like 'show the right diff files with previous diff_id' context 'when not authorized' do let(:another_user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in(another_user) end it 'returns 404 when not a member' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'returns 404 when visibility level is not enough' do project.add_guest(another_user) go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'with valid diff_id' do subject { go(diff_id: merge_request.merge_request_diff.id) } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs metadata with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff } let(:expected_options) do { merge_request: merge_request, merge_request_diff: merge_request.merge_request_diff, merge_request_diffs: merge_request.merge_request_diffs, start_version: nil, start_sha: nil, commit: nil, latest_diff: true, only_context_commits: false, merge_ref_head_diff: false } end end end context 'with diff_head param passed' do before do allow(merge_request).to receive(:diffable_merge_ref?) .and_return(diffable_merge_ref) end context 'the merge request can be compared with head' do let(:diffable_merge_ref) { true } it 'compares diffs with the head' do create(:merge_request_diff, :merge_head, merge_request: merge_request) go(diff_head: true) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end context 'when diff_id and start_sha are set' do it 'correctly generates the right diff between versions' do MergeRequests::MergeToRefService.new(project: project, current_user: merge_request.author).execute(merge_request) expect_next_instance_of(CompareService) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:execute).with( project, merge_request.merge_request_diff.head_commit_sha, straight: true) end go( diff_head: true, diff_id: merge_request.merge_request_diff.id, start_sha: merge_request.merge_request_diff.start_commit_sha ) end end end context 'the merge request cannot be compared with head' do let(:diffable_merge_ref) { false } it 'compares diffs with the base' do go(diff_head: true) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end end context 'with MR regular diff params' do subject { go } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs metadata with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff } let(:expected_options) do { merge_request: merge_request, merge_request_diff: merge_request.merge_request_diff, merge_request_diffs: merge_request.merge_request_diffs, start_version: nil, start_sha: nil, commit: nil, latest_diff: true, only_context_commits: false, merge_ref_head_diff: nil } end end end context 'with commit param' do subject { go(commit_id: merge_request.diff_head_sha) } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs metadata with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::Commit } let(:expected_options) do { merge_request: merge_request, merge_request_diff: nil, merge_request_diffs: merge_request.merge_request_diffs, start_version: nil, start_sha: nil, commit: merge_request.diff_head_commit, latest_diff: nil, only_context_commits: false, merge_ref_head_diff: nil } end end end end describe 'GET diff_for_path' do def diff_for_path(extra_params = {}) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace.to_param, project_id: project, id: merge_request.iid, format: 'json' } get :diff_for_path, params: params.merge(extra_params) end let(:existing_path) { 'files/ruby/popen.rb' } context 'when the merge request exists' do context 'when the user can view the merge request' do context 'when the path exists in the diff' do it 'enables diff notes' do diff_for_path(old_path: existing_path, new_path: existing_path) expect(assigns(:diff_notes_disabled)).to be_falsey expect(assigns(:new_diff_note_attrs)).to eq( noteable_type: 'MergeRequest', noteable_id: merge_request.id, commit_id: nil ) end it 'only renders the diffs for the path given' do diff_for_path(old_path: existing_path, new_path: existing_path) paths = json_response['diff_files'].pluck('new_path') expect(paths).to include(existing_path) end end end context 'when the user cannot view the merge request' do let(:maintainer) { false } before do diff_for_path(old_path: existing_path, new_path: existing_path) end it 'returns a 404' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end context 'when the merge request does not exist' do before do diff_for_path(id: merge_request.iid.succ, old_path: existing_path, new_path: existing_path) end it 'returns a 404' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when the merge request belongs to a different project' do let(:other_project) { create(:project) } before do other_project.add_maintainer(user) diff_for_path(old_path: existing_path, new_path: existing_path, project_id: other_project) end it 'returns a 404' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'GET diffs_batch' do shared_examples_for 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do it 'serializes paginated merge request diff collection' do expect_next_instance_of(PaginatedDiffSerializer) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:represent) .with(an_instance_of(collection), expected_options) .and_call_original end subject end end shared_examples_for 'successful request' do it 'returns success' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'measures certain parts of the request' do allow(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:measure).and_call_original expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:measure).with(:diffs_unfoldable_positions).and_call_original expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:measure).with(:diffs_unfold).and_call_original expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:measure).with(:diffs_write_cache).and_call_original expect(Gitlab::Metrics).to receive(:measure).with(:diffs_render).and_call_original subject end it 'tracks mr_diffs event' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::MergeRequestActivityUniqueCounter) .to receive(:track_mr_diffs_action) .with(merge_request: merge_request) subject end context 'when DNT is enabled' do before do stub_do_not_track('1') end it 'does not track any mr_diffs event' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::MergeRequestActivityUniqueCounter) .not_to receive(:track_mr_diffs_action) expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::MergeRequestActivityUniqueCounter) .not_to receive(:track_mr_diffs_single_file_action) subject end end context 'when user has view_diffs_file_by_file set to false' do before do user.update!(view_diffs_file_by_file: false) end it 'does not track single_file_diffs events' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::MergeRequestActivityUniqueCounter) .not_to receive(:track_mr_diffs_single_file_action) subject end end context 'when user has view_diffs_file_by_file set to true' do before do user.update!(view_diffs_file_by_file: true) end it 'tracks single_file_diffs events' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::MergeRequestActivityUniqueCounter) .to receive(:track_mr_diffs_single_file_action) .with(merge_request: merge_request, user: user) subject end end end def collection_arguments(pagination_data = {}) { merge_request: merge_request, commit: nil, diff_view: :inline, merge_ref_head_diff: nil, pagination_data: { total_pages: nil }.merge(pagination_data) } end def go(extra_params = {}) params = { namespace_id: project.namespace.to_param, project_id: project, id: merge_request.iid, page: 0, per_page: 20, format: 'json' } get :diffs_batch, params: params.merge(extra_params) end it_behaves_like '404 for unexistent diffable' it_behaves_like 'show the right diff files with previous diff_id' context 'when not authorized' do let(:other_user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in(other_user) end it 'returns 404' do go expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'with valid diff_id' do subject { go(diff_id: merge_request.merge_request_diff.id) } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch } let(:expected_options) { collection_arguments(total_pages: 20).merge(merge_ref_head_diff: false) } end it_behaves_like 'successful request' end context 'with commit_id param' do subject { go(commit_id: merge_request.diff_head_sha) } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::Commit } let(:expected_options) { collection_arguments.merge(commit: merge_request.commits(limit: 1).first) } end end context 'with diff_id and start_sha params' do subject do go(diff_id: merge_request.merge_request_diff.id, start_sha: merge_request.merge_request_diff.start_commit_sha) end it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::Compare } let(:expected_options) { collection_arguments.merge(merge_ref_head_diff: false) } end it_behaves_like 'successful request' end context 'with paths param' do let(:example_file_path) { "README" } let(:file_path_option) { { paths: [example_file_path] } } subject do go(file_path_option) end it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch } let(:expected_options) do collection_arguments(total_pages: 20) end end it_behaves_like 'successful request' it 'filters down the response to the expected file path' do subject expect(json_response["diff_files"].size).to eq(1) expect(json_response["diff_files"].first["file_path"]).to eq(example_file_path) end end context 'with default params' do subject { go } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch } let(:expected_options) { collection_arguments(total_pages: 20) } end it_behaves_like 'successful request' end context 'with smaller diff batch params' do subject { go(page: 5, per_page: 5) } it_behaves_like 'serializes diffs with expected arguments' do let(:collection) { Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch } let(:expected_options) { collection_arguments(total_pages: 20) } end it_behaves_like 'successful request' end it_behaves_like 'forked project with submodules' it_behaves_like 'cached diff collection' context 'diff unfolding' do let!(:unfoldable_diff_note) do create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, :folded_position, project: project, noteable: merge_request) end let!(:diff_note) do create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: merge_request) end it 'unfolds correct diff file positions' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiffBatch) do |instance| expect(instance) .to receive(:unfold_diff_files) .with([unfoldable_diff_note.position]) .and_call_original end go end end context 'when ck param is present' do let(:cache_key) { merge_request.merge_head_diff.id } before do create(:merge_request_diff, :merge_head, merge_request: merge_request) end it 'sets Cache-Control with max-age' do go(ck: cache_key, diff_head: true) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).to eq('max-age=86400, private') end context 'when diffs_batch_cache_with_max_age feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(diffs_batch_cache_with_max_age: false) end it 'does not set Cache-Control with max-age' do go(ck: cache_key, diff_head: true) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).not_to eq('max-age=86400, private') end end context 'when not rendering merge head diff' do it 'does not set Cache-Control with max-age' do go(ck: cache_key, diff_head: false) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).not_to eq('max-age=86400, private') end end end end end