stage: Secure
group: Static Analysis
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
# Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning **(FREE)**
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/6655) in GitLab 14.5.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning scans your IaC configuration files for known vulnerabilities.
IaC Scanning supports configuration files for Terraform, Ansible, AWS CloudFormation, and Kubernetes.
## Requirements
IaC Scanning runs in the `test` stage, which is available by default. If you redefine the stages in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, the `test` stage is required.
We recommend a minimum of 4 GB RAM to ensure consistent performance.
To run IaC Scanning jobs, by default, you need GitLab Runner with the
[`docker`](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html) or
[`kubernetes`](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/kubernetes.html) executor.
If you're using the shared runners on GitLab.com, this is enabled by default.
GitLab IaC Scanning analyzers don't support running on Windows or on any CPU architectures other than amd64.
If you use your own runners, make sure the Docker version installed
is **not** `19.03.0`. See [troubleshooting information](../sast/index.md#error-response-from-daemon-error-processing-tar-file-docker-tar-relocation-error) for details.
## Supported languages and frameworks
GitLab IaC Scanning supports a variety of IaC configuration files. Our IaC security scanners also feature automatic language detection which works even for mixed-language projects. If any supported configuration files are detected in project source code we automatically run the appropriate IaC analyzers.
| Configuration file type | Scan tool | Introduced in GitLab version |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------- |
| Ansible | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| AWS CloudFormation | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| Azure Resource Manager 1 | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| Dockerfile | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| Google Deployment Manager | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| Kubernetes | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| OpenAPI | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
| Terraform 2 | [KICS](https://kics.io/) | 14.5 |
1. IaC Scanning can analyze Azure Resource Manager templates in JSON format. If you write templates in the [Bicep](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/overview) language, you must use [the bicep CLI](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/bicep-cli) to convert your Bicep files into JSON before GitLab IaC Scanning can analyze them.
1. Terraform modules in a custom registry are not scanned for vulnerabilities. You can follow [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/357004) for the proposed feature.
### Supported distributions
GitLab scanners are provided with a base alpine image for size and maintainability.
#### FIPS-enabled images
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/6479) in GitLab 14.10.
GitLab also offers [FIPS-enabled Red Hat UBI](https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/introducing-red-hat-universal-base-image)
versions of the images. You can therefore replace standard images with FIPS-enabled
images. To configure the images, set the `SAST_IMAGE_SUFFIX` to `-fips` or modify the
standard tag plus the `-fips` extension.
- template: Jobs/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml
### Making IaC analyzers available to all GitLab tiers
All open source (OSS) analyzers are available with the GitLab Free tier. Future proprietary analyzers may be restricted to higher tiers.
#### Summary of features per tier
Different features are available in different [GitLab tiers](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/),
as shown in the following table:
| Capability | In Free & Premium | In Ultimate |
| :-------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------ | :----------------- |
| [Configure IaC scanner](#configuration) | **{check-circle}** | **{check-circle}** |
| Download [JSON Report](#reports-json-format) | **{check-circle}** | **{check-circle}** |
| See new findings in merge request widget | **{dotted-circle}** | **{check-circle}** |
| [Manage vulnerabilities](../vulnerabilities/index.md) | **{dotted-circle}** | **{check-circle}** |
| [Access the Security Dashboard](../security_dashboard/index.md) | **{dotted-circle}** | **{check-circle}** |
## Contribute your scanner
The [Security Scanner Integration](../../../development/integrations/secure.md) documentation explains how to integrate other security scanners into GitLab.
## Configuration
To configure IaC Scanning for a project you can:
- [Configure IaC Scanning manually](#configure-iac-scanning-manually)
- [Enable IaC Scanning via an automatic merge request](#enable-iac-scanning-via-an-automatic-merge-request)
### Configure IaC Scanning manually
To enable IaC Scanning you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#includetemplate) the
[`SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml` template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml) provided as part of your GitLab installation. Here is an example of how to include it:
- template: Jobs/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml
The included template creates IaC Scanning jobs in your CI/CD pipeline and scans
your project's configuration files for possible vulnerabilities.
The results are saved as a
[SAST report artifact](../../../ci/yaml/artifacts_reports.md#artifactsreportssast)
that you can download and analyze.
### Enable IaC Scanning via an automatic merge request
To enable IaC Scanning in a project, you can create a merge request:
1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Projects** and find your project.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Security and Compliance > Security configuration**.
1. In the **Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning** row, select **Configure with a merge request**.
1. Review and merge the merge request to enable IaC Scanning.
Pipelines now include an IaC Scanning job.
## Customize rulesets **(ULTIMATE)**
> [Added](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/235359) support for overriding rules in GitLab 14.8.
You can customize the default IaC Scanning rules provided with GitLab.
The following customization options can be used separately, or together:
- [Disable predefined rules](#disable-predefined-analyzer-rules).
- [Override predefined rules](#override-predefined-analyzer-rules).
### Disable predefined analyzer rules
If there are specific IaC Scanning rules that you don't want active, you can disable them.
To disable analyzer rules:
1. Create a `.gitlab` directory at the root of your project, if one doesn't already exist.
1. Create a custom ruleset file named `sast-ruleset.toml` in the `.gitlab` directory, if
one doesn't already exist.
1. Set the `disabled` flag to `true` in the context of a `ruleset` section.
1. In one or more `ruleset` subsections, list the rules to disable. Every
`ruleset.identifier` section has:
- A `type` field for the rule. For IaC Scanning, the identifier type is `kics_id`.
- A `value` field for the rule identifier. KICS rule identifiers are alphanumeric strings. To find the rule identifier, you can:
- Find it in the [JSON report artifact](#reports-json-format).
- Search for the rule name in the [list of KICS queries](https://docs.kics.io/latest/queries/all-queries/) and copy the alphanumeric identifier that's shown. The rule name is shown on the [Vulnerability Page](../vulnerabilities/index.md) when a rule violation is detected.
After you merge the `sast-ruleset.toml` file to the default branch, existing findings for disabled rules are [automatically resolved](#automatic-vulnerability-resolution).
In the following example `sast-ruleset.toml` file, the disabled rules are assigned to
the `kics` analyzer by matching the `type` and `value` of identifiers:
disable = true
type = "kics_id"
value = "8212e2d7-e683-49bc-bf78-d6799075c5a7"
disable = true
type = "kics_id"
value = "b03a748a-542d-44f4-bb86-9199ab4fd2d5"
### Override predefined analyzer rules
If there are specific IaC Scanning rules you want to customize, you can override them. For
example, you might lower the severity of a rule or link to your own documentation about how to fix a finding.
To override rules:
1. Create a `.gitlab` directory at the root of your project, if one doesn't already exist.
1. Create a custom ruleset file named `sast-ruleset.toml` in the `.gitlab` directory, if
one doesn't already exist.
1. In one or more `ruleset.identifier` subsections, list the rules to override. Every
`ruleset.identifier` section has:
- A `type` field for the rule. For IaC Scanning, the identifier type is `kics_id`.
- A `value` field for the rule identifier. KICS rule identifiers are alphanumeric strings. To find the rule identifier, you can:
- Find it in the [JSON report artifact](#reports-json-format).
- Search for the rule name in the [list of KICS queries](https://docs.kics.io/latest/queries/all-queries/) and copy the alphanumeric identifier that's shown. The rule name is shown on the [Vulnerability Page](../vulnerabilities/index.md) when a rule violation is detected.
1. In the `ruleset.override` context of a `ruleset` section,
provide the keys to override. Any combination of keys can be
overridden. Valid keys are:
- description
- message
- name
- severity (valid options are: Critical, High, Medium, Low, Unknown, Info)
In the following example `sast-ruleset.toml` file, rules are matched by the `type` and
`value` of identifiers and then overridden:
type = "kics_id"
value = "8212e2d7-e683-49bc-bf78-d6799075c5a7"
description = "OVERRIDDEN description"
message = "OVERRIDDEN message"
name = "OVERRIDDEN name"
severity = "Info"
## Pinning to specific analyzer version
The GitLab-managed CI/CD template specifies a major version and automatically pulls the latest analyzer release within that major version.
In some cases, you may need to use a specific version.
For example, you might need to avoid a regression in a later release.
To override the automatic update behavior, set the `SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGE_TAG` CI/CD variable
in your CI/CD configuration file after you include the [`SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml` template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml).
Only set this variable in a specific job.
If you set it [at the top level](../../../ci/variables/index.md#define-a-cicd-variable-in-the-gitlab-ciyml-file), the version you set is used for other SAST analyzers.
You can set the tag to:
- A major version, like `3`. Your pipelines use any minor or patch updates that are released within this major version.
- A minor version, like `3.7`. Your pipelines use any patch updates that are released within this minor version.
- A patch version, like `3.7.0`. Your pipelines don't receive any updates.
This example uses a specific minor version of the `KICS` analyzer:
- template: Security/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml
## Automatic vulnerability resolution
> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/368284) in GitLab 15.9 [with a project-level flag](../../../administration/feature_flags.md) named `sec_mark_dropped_findings_as_resolved`.
> - Enabled by default in 15.10. On GitLab.com, [contact Support](https://about.gitlab.com/support/) if you need to disable the flag for your project.
To help you focus on the vulnerabilities that are still relevant, GitLab IaC Scanning automatically [resolves](../vulnerabilities/index.md#vulnerability-status-values) vulnerabilities when:
- You [disable a predefined rule](#disable-predefined-analyzer-rules).
- We remove a rule from the default ruleset.
The Vulnerability Management system leaves a comment on automatically-resolved vulnerabilities so you still have a historical record of the vulnerability.
If you re-enable the rule later, the findings are reopened for triage.
## Reports JSON format
The IaC tool emits a JSON report file in the existing SAST report format. For more information, see the
[schema for this report](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/security-report-schemas/-/blob/master/dist/sast-report-format.json).
The JSON report file can be downloaded from the CI pipelines page, or the
pipelines tab on merge requests by [setting `artifacts: paths`](../../../ci/yaml/index.md#artifactspaths) to `gl-sast-report.json`. For more information see [Downloading artifacts](../../../ci/jobs/job_artifacts.md).
## Troubleshooting
### IaC debug logging
To help troubleshoot IaC jobs, you can increase the [Secure scanner log verbosity](../sast/index.md#logging-level)
by using a global CI/CD variable set to `debug`:
### IaC Scanning findings show as `No longer detected` unexpectedly
If a previously detected finding unexpectedly shows as `No longer detected`, it might
be due to an update to the scanner. An update can disable rules that are found to
be ineffective or false positives, and the findings are marked as `No longer detected`:
- In GitLab 15.3, [secret detection in the KICS SAST IaC scanner was disabled](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/346181),
so IaC findings in the "Passwords and Secrets" family show as `No longer detected`.
### `exec /bin/sh: exec format error` message in job log
The GitLab IaC Scanning analyzer [only supports](#requirements) running on the `amd64` CPU architecture.
This message indicates that the job is being run on a different architecture, such as `arm`.