stage: Analytics
group: Analytics Instrumentation
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
# Implement Snowplow tracking
This page describes how to:
- Implement Snowplow frontend and backend tracking
- Test Snowplow events
## Event definitions
Every Snowplow event, regardless of frontend or backend, requires a corresponding event definition. These definitions document the event and its properties to make it easier to maintain and analyze.
These defintions can be browsed in the [event dictionary](https://metrics.gitlab.com/snowplow). The [event dictionary guide](event_dictionary_guide.md) provides instructions for setting up an event definition.
## Snowplow JavaScript frontend tracking
GitLab provides a `Tracking` interface that wraps the [Snowplow JavaScript tracker](https://docs.snowplow.io/docs/collecting-data/collecting-from-own-applications/javascript-trackers/)
to track custom events.
For the recommended frontend tracking implementation, see [Usage recommendations](#usage-recommendations).
Structured events and page views include the [`gitlab_standard`](schemas.md#gitlab_standard)
context, using the `window.gl.snowplowStandardContext` object which includes
[default data](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/views/layouts/_snowplow.html.haml)
as base:
| Property | Example |
| -------- | ------- |
| `context_generated_at` | `"2022-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"` |
| `environment` | `"production"` |
| `extra` | `{}` |
| `namespace_id` | `123` |
| `plan` | `"gold"` |
| `project_id` | `456` |
| `source` | `"gitlab-rails"` |
| `user_id` | `789`* |
_\* Undergoes a pseudonymization process at the collector level._
These properties [are overridden](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/tracking/get_standard_context.js)
with frontend-specific values, like `source` (`gitlab-javascript`), `google_analytics_id`
and the custom `extra` object. You can modify this object for any subsequent
structured event that fires, although this is not recommended.
Tracking implementations must have an `action` and a `category`. You can provide additional
properties from the [event schema](index.md#event-schema), in
addition to an `extra` object that accepts key-value pairs.
| Property | Type | Default value | Description |
| `category` | string | `document.body.dataset.page` | Page or subsection of a page in which events are captured. |
| `action` | string | `'generic'` | Action the user is taking. Clicks must be `click` and activations must be `activate`. For example, focusing a form field is `activate_form_input`, and clicking a button is `click_button`. |
| `data` | object | `{}` | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value` as described in [Event schema](index.md#event-schema), `context` for custom contexts, and `extra` (key-value pairs object). |
### Usage recommendations
- Use [data attributes](#implement-data-attribute-tracking) on HTML elements that emit `click`, `show.bs.dropdown`, or `hide.bs.dropdown` events.
- Use the [Vue mixin](#implement-vue-component-tracking) for tracking custom events, or if the supported events for data attributes are not propagating. For example, clickable components that don't emit `click`.
- Use the [tracking class](#implement-raw-javascript-tracking) when tracking in vanilla JavaScript files.
### Implement data attribute tracking
To implement tracking for HAML or Vue templates, add a [`data-track` attribute](#data-track-attributes) to the element.
The following example shows `data-track-*` attributes assigned to a button:
%button.btn{ data: { track_action: "click_button", track_label: "template_preview", track_property: "my-template" } }
#### `data-track` attributes
| Attribute | Required | Description |
| `data-track-action` | true | Action the user is taking. Clicks must be prepended with `click` and activations must be prepended with `activate`. For example, focusing a form field is `activate_form_input` and clicking a button is `click_button`. Replaces `data-track-event`, which was [deprecated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/290962) in GitLab 13.11. |
| `data-track-label` | false | The specific element or object to act on. This can be: the label of the element, for example, a tab labeled 'Create from template' for `create_from_template`; a unique identifier if no text is available, for example, `groups_dropdown_close` for closing the Groups dropdown list in the top bar; or the name or title attribute of a record being created. |
| `data-track-property` | false | Any additional property of the element, or object being acted on. |
| `data-track-value` | false | Describes a numeric value (decimal) directly related to the event. This could be the value of an input. For example, `10` when clicking `internal` visibility. If omitted, this is the element's `value` property or `undefined`. For checkboxes, the default value is the element's checked attribute or `0` when unchecked. The value is parsed as numeric before sending the event. |
| `data-track-extra` | false | A key-value pair object passed as a valid JSON string. This attribute is added to the `extra` property in our [`gitlab_standard`](schemas.md#gitlab_standard) schema. |
| `data-track-context` | false | To append a custom context object, passed as a valid JSON string. |
#### Event listeners
Event listeners bind at the document level to handle click events in elements with data attributes.
This allows them to be handled when the DOM re-renders or changes. Document-level binding reduces
the likelihood that click events stop propagating up the DOM tree.
If click events stop propagating, you must implement listeners and [Vue component tracking](#implement-vue-component-tracking) or [raw JavaScript tracking](#implement-raw-javascript-tracking).
#### Helper methods
You can use the following Ruby helpers:
tracking_attrs(label, action, property) # { data: { track_label... } }
tracking_attrs_data(label, action, property) # { track_label... }
You can also use it on HAML templates:
%button{ **tracking_attrs('main_navigation', 'click_button', 'navigation') }
// When merging with additional data
// %button{ data: { platform: "...", **tracking_attrs_data('main_navigation', 'click_button', 'navigation') } }
If you use the GitLab helper method [`nav_link`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/helpers/tab_helper.rb#L76), you must wrap `html_options` under the `html_options` keyword argument. If you
use the `ActionView` helper method [`link_to`](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/UrlHelper.html#method-i-link_to), you don't need to wrap `html_options`.
# Bad
= nav_link(controller: ['dashboard/groups', 'explore/groups'], data: { track_label: "explore_groups",
track_action: "click_button" })
# Good
= nav_link(controller: ['dashboard/groups', 'explore/groups'], html_options: { data: { track_label:
"explore_groups", track_action: "click_button" } })
# Good (other helpers)
= link_to explore_groups_path, title: _("Explore"), data: { track_label: "explore_groups", track_action:
"click_button" }
### Implement Vue component tracking
For custom event tracking, use the [Vue mixin](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/tracking/tracking.js#L207). It exposes `Tracking.event` as the `track` method.
You can specify tracking options by creating a `tracking` data object or
computed property, and as a second parameter: `this.track('click_button', opts)`.
These options override any defaults and allow the values to be dynamic from props or based on state:
| Property | Type | Default | Example |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| `category` | string | `document.body.dataset.page` | `'code_quality_walkthrough'` |
| `label` | string | `''` | `'process_start_button'` |
| `property` | string | `''` | `'asc'` or `'desc'` |
| `value` | integer | `undefined` | `0`, `1`, `500` |
| `extra` | object | `{}` | `{ selectedVariant: this.variant }` |
To implement Vue component tracking:
1. Import the `Tracking` library and call the `mixin` method:
import Tracking from '~/tracking';
const trackingMixin = Tracking.mixin();
// Optionally provide default properties
// const trackingMixin = Tracking.mixin({ label: 'right_sidebar' });
1. Use the mixin in the component:
export default {
mixins: [trackingMixin],
// Or
// mixins: [Tracking.mixin()],
// mixins: [Tracking.mixin({ label: 'right_sidebar' })],
data() {
return {
expanded: false,
1. You can specify tracking options in by creating a `tracking` data object
or computed property:
export default {
name: 'RightSidebar',
mixins: [Tracking.mixin()],
data() {
return {
expanded: false,
variant: '',
tracking: {
label: 'right_sidebar',
// property: '',
// value: '',
// experiment: '',
// extra: {},
// Or
// computed: {
// tracking() {
// return {
// property: this.variant,
// extra: { expanded: this.expanded },
// };
// },
// },
1. Call the `track` method. Tracking options can be passed as the second parameter:
this.track('click_button', {
label: 'right_sidebar',
Or use the `track` method in the template:
Hello world!
#### Testing example
export default {
name: 'CountDropdown',
mixins: [Tracking.mixin({ label: 'count_dropdown' })],
data() {
return {
variant: 'counter',
count: 0,
methods: {
handleChange({ target }) {
const { variant } = this;
this.count = Number(target.value);
this.track('change_value', {
value: this.count,
extra: { variant }
import { mockTracking } from 'helpers/tracking_helper';
// mockTracking(category, documentOverride, spyMethod)
describe('CountDropdown.vue', () => {
let trackingSpy;
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
trackingSpy = mockTracking(undefined, wrapper.element, jest.spyOn);
const findDropdown = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="dropdown"]');
it('tracks change event', () => {
const dropdown = findDropdown();
dropdown.element.value = 30;
expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, 'change_value', {
value: 30,
label: 'count_dropdown',
extra: { variant: 'counter' },
### Implement raw JavaScript tracking
To track from a vanilla JavaScript file, use the `Tracking.event` static function
(calls [`dispatchSnowplowEvent`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/tracking/dispatch_snowplow_event.js)).
The following example demonstrates tracking a click on a button by manually calling `Tracking.event`.
import Tracking from '~/tracking';
const button = document.getElementById('create_from_template_button');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
Tracking.event(undefined, 'click_button', {
label: 'create_from_template',
property: 'template_preview',
extra: {
templateVariant: 'primary',
valid: 1,
#### Testing example
import Tracking from '~/tracking';
describe('MyTracking', () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event');
const findButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="create_from_template"]');
it('tracks event', () => {
expect(Tracking.event).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, 'click_button', {
label: 'create_from_template',
property: 'template_preview',
extra: {
templateVariant: 'primary',
valid: true,
### Form tracking
To enable Snowplow automatic [form tracking](https://docs.snowplow.io/docs/collecting-data/collecting-from-own-applications/javascript-trackers/javascript-tracker/javascript-tracker-v2/tracking-specific-events/#form-tracking):
1. Call `Tracking.enableFormTracking` when the DOM is ready.
1. Provide a `config` object that includes at least one of the following elements:
- `forms` determines the forms to track. Identified by the CSS class name.
- `fields` determines the fields inside the tracked forms to track. Identified by the field `name`.
1. Optional. Provide a list of contexts as the second argument. The [`gitlab_standard`](schemas.md#gitlab_standard) schema is excluded from these events.
forms: { allow: ['sign-in-form', 'password-recovery-form'] },
fields: { allow: ['terms_and_conditions', 'newsletter_agreement'] },
#### Testing example
import Tracking from '~/tracking';
describe('MyFormTracking', () => {
let formTrackingSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
formTrackingSpy = jest
.spyOn(Tracking, 'enableFormTracking')
.mockImplementation(() => null);
it('initialized with the correct configuration', () => {
forms: { allow: ['sign-in-form', 'password-recovery-form'] },
fields: { allow: ['terms_and_conditions', 'newsletter_agreement'] },
## Implement Ruby backend tracking
`Gitlab::Tracking` is an interface that wraps the [Snowplow Ruby Tracker](https://docs.snowplow.io/docs/collecting-data/collecting-from-own-applications/ruby-tracker/) for tracking custom events.
Backend tracking provides:
- User behavior tracking
- Instrumentation to monitor and visualize performance over time in a section or aspect of code.
To add custom event tracking and instrumentation, call the `GitLab::Tracking.event` class method.
For example:
class Projects::CreateService < BaseService
def execute
project = Project.create(params)
Gitlab::Tracking.event('Projects::CreateService', 'create_project', label: project.errors.full_messages.to_sentence,
property: project.valid?.to_s, project: project, user: current_user, namespace: namespace)
Use the following arguments:
| Argument | Type | Default value | Description |
| `category` | String | | Area or aspect of the application. For example, `HealthCheckController` or `Lfs::FileTransformer`. |
| `action` | String | | The action being taken. For example, a controller action such as `create`, or an Active Record callback. |
| `label` | String | `nil` | The specific element or object to act on. This can be one of the following: the label of the element, for example, a tab labeled 'Create from template' for `create_from_template`; a unique identifier if no text is available, for example, `groups_dropdown_close` for closing the Groups dropdown list in the top bar; or the name or title attribute of a record being created. |
| `property` | String | `nil` | Any additional property of the element, or object being acted on. |
| `value` | Numeric | `nil` | Describes a numeric value (decimal) directly related to the event. This could be the value of an input. For example, `10` when clicking `internal` visibility. |
| `context` | Array\[SelfDescribingJSON\] | `nil` | An array of custom contexts to send with this event. Most events should not have any custom contexts. |
| `project` | Project | `nil` | The project associated with the event. |
| `user` | User | `nil` | The user associated with the event. This value undergoes a pseudonymization process at the collector level. |
| `namespace` | Namespace | `nil` | The namespace associated with the event. |
| `extra` | Hash | `{}` | Additional keyword arguments are collected into a hash and sent with the event. |
### Unit testing
To test backend Snowplow events, use the `expect_snowplow_event` helper. For more information, see
[testing best practices](../testing_guide/best_practices.md#test-snowplow-events).
### Performance
We use the [AsyncEmitter](https://snowplow.github.io/snowplow-ruby-tracker/SnowplowTracker/AsyncEmitter.html) when tracking events, which allows for instrumentation calls to be run in a background thread. This is still an active area of development.
## Develop and test Snowplow
To develop and test a Snowplow event, there are several tools to test frontend and backend events:
| Testing Tool | Frontend Tracking | Backend Tracking | Local Development Environment | Production Environment | Production Environment |
| Snowplow Analytics Debugger Chrome Extension | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Snowplow Inspector Chrome Extension | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Snowplow Micro | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
### Test frontend events
Before you test frontend events in development, you must:
1. [Enable Snowplow tracking in the Admin Area](index.md#enable-snowplow-tracking).
1. Turn off ad blockers that could prevent Snowplow JavaScript from loading in your environment.
1. Turn off "Do Not Track" (DNT) in your browser.
All URLs are pseudonymized. The entity identifier [replaces](https://docs.snowplow.io/docs/collecting-data/collecting-from-own-applications/javascript-trackers/javascript-tracker/javascript-tracker-v2/tracker-setup/other-parameters-2/#setting-a-custom-page-url-and-referrer-url) personally identifiable
information (PII). PII includes usernames, group, and project names.
Page titles are hardcoded as `GitLab` for the same reason.
#### Snowplow Analytics Debugger Chrome Extension
[Snowplow Analytics Debugger](https://www.iglooanalytics.com/blog/snowplow-analytics-debugger-chrome-extension.html) is a browser extension for testing frontend events. It works in production, staging, and local development environments.
1. Install the [Snowplow Analytics Debugger](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowplow-analytics-debugg/jbnlcgeengmijcghameodeaenefieedm) Chrome browser extension.
1. Open Chrome DevTools to the Snowplow Analytics Debugger tab.
#### Snowplow Inspector Chrome Extension
Snowplow Inspector Chrome Extension is a browser extension for testing frontend events. This works in production, staging, and local development environments.
For a video tutorial, see the [Snowplow plugin walk through](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4rqnIZ1Mb4).
1. Install [Snowplow Inspector](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/snowplow-inspector/maplkdomeamdlngconidoefjpogkmljm?hl=en).
1. To open the extension, select the Snowplow Inspector icon beside the address bar.
1. Click around on a webpage with Snowplow to see JavaScript events firing in the inspector window.
### Test backend events with Snowplow Micro
[Snowplow Micro](https://snowplow.io/blog/introducing-snowplow-micro/) is a
Docker-based solution for testing backend and frontend in a local development environment. Snowplow Micro
records the same events as the full Snowplow pipeline. To query events, use the Snowplow Micro API.
It can be set up automatically using [GitLab Development Kit (GDK)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit).
See the [how-to docs](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit/-/blob/main/doc/howto/snowplow_micro.md) for more details.
1. Set the environment variable to tell the GDK to use Snowplow Micro in development. This overrides two `application_settings` options:
- `snowplow_enabled` setting will instead return `true` from `Gitlab::Tracking.enabled?`
- `snowplow_collector_hostname` setting will instead always return `localhost:9090` (or whatever port is set for `snowplow_micro.port` GDK setting) from `Gitlab::Tracking.collector_hostname`.
With Snowplow Micro set up you can now manually test backend Snowplow events:
1. Send a test Snowplow event from the Rails console:
Gitlab::Tracking.event('category', 'action')
1. Navigate to `localhost:9090/micro/good` to see the event.
#### Useful links
- [Snowplow Micro repository](https://github.com/snowplow-incubator/snowplow-micro)
- [Installation guide recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX46fo_A0Ag)
### Troubleshoot
To control content security policy warnings when using an external host, modify `config/gitlab.yml`
to allow or prevent them. To allow them, add the relevant host for `connect_src`. For example, for
<<: *base
enabled: true
connect_src: "'self' http://localhost:** ws://localhost:* wss://localhost:* ws://* https://snowplow.trx.gitlab.net/"