# frozen_string_literal: true class NoteEntity < API::Entities::Note include RequestAwareEntity include NotesHelper expose :id do |note| # resource events are represented as notes too, but don't # have ID, discussion ID is used for them instead note.id ? note.id.to_s : note.discussion_id end expose :type expose :external_author expose :author, using: NoteUserEntity unexpose :note, as: :body expose :note expose :redacted_note_html, as: :note_html expose :last_edited_at, if: -> (note, _) { note.edited? } expose :last_edited_by, using: NoteUserEntity, if: -> (note, _) { note.edited? } expose :current_user do expose :can_edit do |note| can?(current_user, :admin_note, note) end expose :can_award_emoji do |note| can?(current_user, :award_emoji, note) end expose :can_resolve do |note| note.resolvable? && can?(current_user, :resolve_note, note) end expose :can_resolve_discussion do |note| discussion = options.fetch(:discussion, nil) || note.discussion discussion.resolvable? && discussion.can_resolve?(current_user) end end expose :suggestions, using: SuggestionEntity expose :resolved?, as: :resolved expose :resolvable?, as: :resolvable expose :resolved_by, using: NoteUserEntity expose :system_note_icon_name, if: -> (note, _) { note.system? } do |note| SystemNoteHelper.system_note_icon_name(note) end expose :outdated_line_change_path, if: -> (note, _) { note.show_outdated_changes? } do |note| outdated_line_change_namespace_project_note_path(namespace_id: note.project.namespace, project_id: note.project, id: note) end expose :is_noteable_author do |note| note.noteable_author?(request.noteable) end expose :discussion_id do |note| note.discussion_id(request.noteable) end expose :emoji_awardable?, as: :emoji_awardable expose :award_emoji, if: -> (note, _) { note.emoji_awardable? }, using: AwardEmojiEntity expose :report_abuse_path do |note| # @deprecated To be removed in API version 5 add_category_abuse_reports_path end expose :noteable_note_url do |note| noteable_note_url(note) end expose :resolve_path, if: -> (note, _) { note.part_of_discussion? && note.resolvable? } do |note| resolve_project_merge_request_discussion_path(note.project, note.noteable, note.discussion_id) end expose :resolve_with_issue_path, if: -> (note, _) { note.part_of_discussion? && note.resolvable? } do |note| new_project_issue_path(note.project, merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of: note.noteable.iid, discussion_to_resolve: note.discussion_id) end expose :attachment, using: NoteAttachmentEntity, if: -> (note, _) { note.attachment? } expose :cached_markdown_version # Correctly rendering a note requires some background information about any # discussion it is part of. This is essential for the notes endpoint, but # optional for the discussions endpoint, which will include the discussion # along with the note expose :discussion, as: :base_discussion, using: BaseDiscussionEntity, if: -> (_, _) { with_base_discussion? } private def discussion @discussion ||= object.to_discussion(request.noteable) end def current_user request.current_user end def with_base_discussion? options.fetch(:with_base_discussion, true) end def external_author return unless Feature.enabled?(:external_note_author_service_desk) return unless object.note_metadata&.external_author if can?(current_user, :read_external_emails, object.project) object.note_metadata.external_author else Gitlab::Utils::Email.obfuscated_email(object.note_metadata.external_author, deform: true) end end end NoteEntity.prepend_mod_with('NoteEntity')