import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { escape } from 'lodash'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import NoteActions from '~/notes/components/note_actions.vue'; import NoteBody from '~/notes/components/note_body.vue'; import NoteHeader from '~/notes/components/note_header.vue'; import issueNote from '~/notes/components/noteable_note.vue'; import createStore from '~/notes/stores'; import UserAvatarLink from '~/vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue'; import { noteableDataMock, notesDataMock, note } from '../mock_data'; describe('issue_note', () => { let store; let wrapper; const findMultilineComment = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="multiline-comment"]'); const createWrapper = (props = {}) => { store = createStore(); store.dispatch('setNoteableData', noteableDataMock); store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock); const localVue = createLocalVue(); wrapper = mount(localVue.extend(issueNote), { store, propsData: { note, ...props, }, localVue, stubs: [ 'note-header', 'user-avatar-link', 'note-actions', 'note-body', 'multiline-comment-form', ], }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('mutiline comments', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); }); it('should render if has multiline comment', async () => { const position = { line_range: { start: { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }, end: { line_code: 'abc_2_2', type: null, old_line: '2', new_line: '2', }, }, }; const line = { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }; wrapper.setProps({ note: { ...note, position }, discussionRoot: true, line, }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(findMultilineComment().text()).toBe('Comment on lines 1 to 2'); }); it('should only render if it has everything it needs', () => { const position = { line_range: { start: { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '', new_line: '', }, end: { line_code: 'abc_2_2', type: null, old_line: '2', new_line: '2', }, }, }; const line = { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }; wrapper.setProps({ note: { ...note, position }, discussionRoot: true, line, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(findMultilineComment().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); it('should not render if has single line comment', () => { const position = { line_range: { start: { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }, end: { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }, }, }; const line = { line_code: 'abc_1_1', type: null, old_line: '1', new_line: '1', }; wrapper.setProps({ note: { ...note, position }, discussionRoot: true, line, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(findMultilineComment().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); it('should not render if `line_range` is unavailable', () => { expect(findMultilineComment().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('rendering', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); }); it('should render user information', () => { const { author } = note; const avatar = wrapper.findComponent(UserAvatarLink); const avatarProps = avatar.props(); expect(avatarProps.linkHref).toBe(author.path); expect(avatarProps.imgSrc).toBe(author.avatar_url); expect(avatarProps.imgAlt).toBe(; expect(avatarProps.imgSize).toBe(40); }); it('should render note header content', () => { const noteHeader = wrapper.findComponent(NoteHeader); const noteHeaderProps = noteHeader.props(); expect(; expect(noteHeaderProps.createdAt).toBe(note.created_at); expect(noteHeaderProps.noteId).toBe(; }); it('should render note actions', () => { const { author } = note; const noteActions = wrapper.findComponent(NoteActions); const noteActionsProps = noteActions.props(); expect(noteActionsProps.authorId).toBe(; expect(noteActionsProps.noteId).toBe(; expect(noteActionsProps.noteUrl).toBe(note.noteable_note_url); expect(noteActionsProps.accessLevel).toBe(note.human_access); expect(noteActionsProps.canEdit).toBe(note.current_user.can_edit); expect(noteActionsProps.canAwardEmoji).toBe(note.current_user.can_award_emoji); expect(noteActionsProps.canDelete).toBe(note.current_user.can_edit); expect(noteActionsProps.canReportAsAbuse).toBe(true); expect(noteActionsProps.canResolve).toBe(false); expect(noteActionsProps.reportAbusePath).toBe(note.report_abuse_path); expect(noteActionsProps.resolvable).toBe(false); expect(noteActionsProps.isResolved).toBe(false); expect(noteActionsProps.isResolving).toBe(false); expect(noteActionsProps.resolvedBy).toEqual({}); }); it('should render issue body', () => { const noteBody = wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody); const noteBodyProps = noteBody.props(); expect(noteBodyProps.note).toBe(note); expect(noteBodyProps.line).toBe(null); expect(noteBodyProps.canEdit).toBe(note.current_user.can_edit); expect(noteBodyProps.isEditing).toBe(false); expect(noteBodyProps.helpPagePath).toBe(''); }); it('prevents note preview xss', async () => { const noteBody = ''; const alertSpy = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert').mockImplementation(() => {}); const noteBodyComponent = wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody); store.hotUpdate({ actions: { updateNote() {}, setSelectedCommentPositionHover() {}, }, }); noteBodyComponent.vm.$emit('handleFormUpdate', noteBody, null, () => {}); await waitForPromises(); expect(alertSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(wrapper.vm.note.note_html).toBe(escape(noteBody)); }); }); describe('cancel edit', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); }); it('restores content of updated note', async () => { const updatedText = 'updated note text'; store.hotUpdate({ actions: { updateNote() {}, }, }); const noteBody = wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody); noteBody.vm.resetAutoSave = () => {}; noteBody.vm.$emit('handleFormUpdate', updatedText, null, () => {}); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); let noteBodyProps = noteBody.props(); expect(noteBodyProps.note.note_html).toBe(updatedText); noteBody.vm.$emit('cancelForm'); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); noteBodyProps = noteBody.props(); expect(noteBodyProps.note.note_html).toBe(note.note_html); }); }); describe('formUpdateHandler', () => { const updateNote = jest.fn(); const params = ['', null, jest.fn(), '']; const updateActions = () => { store.hotUpdate({ actions: { updateNote, setSelectedCommentPositionHover() {}, }, }); }; afterEach(() => updateNote.mockReset()); it('responds to handleFormUpdate', () => { createWrapper(); updateActions(); wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody).vm.$emit('handleFormUpdate', ...params); expect(wrapper.emitted('handleUpdateNote')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('does not stringify empty position', () => { createWrapper(); updateActions(); wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody).vm.$emit('handleFormUpdate', ...params); expect(updateNote.mock.calls[0][1].note.note.position).toBeUndefined(); }); it('stringifies populated position', () => { const position = { test: true }; const expectation = JSON.stringify(position); createWrapper({ note: { ...note, position } }); updateActions(); wrapper.findComponent(NoteBody).vm.$emit('handleFormUpdate', ...params); expect(updateNote.mock.calls[0][1].note.note.position).toBe(expectation); }); }); });