#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'open3' class MigrationSchemaValidator FILENAME = 'db/structure.sql' MIGRATION_DIRS = %w[db/migrate db/post_migrate].freeze SCHEMA_VERSION_DIR = 'db/schema_migrations' VERSION_DIGITS = 14 def validate! if committed_migrations.empty? puts "\e[32m No migrations found, skipping schema validation\e[0m" return end validate_schema_on_rollback! validate_schema_on_migrate! validate_schema_version_files! end private def validate_schema_on_rollback! committed_migrations.reverse_each do |filename| version = find_migration_version(filename) run("bin/rails db:migrate:down VERSION=#{version}") end git_command = "git diff #{diff_target} -- #{FILENAME}" base_message = "rollback of added migrations does not revert #{FILENAME} to previous state" validate_clean_output!(git_command, base_message) end def validate_schema_on_migrate! run('bin/rails db:migrate') git_command = "git diff -- #{FILENAME}" base_message = "the committed #{FILENAME} does not match the one generated by running added migrations" validate_clean_output!(git_command, base_message) end def validate_schema_version_files! git_command = "git add -A -n #{SCHEMA_VERSION_DIR}" base_message = "the committed files in #{SCHEMA_VERSION_DIR} do not match those expected by the added migrations" validate_clean_output!(git_command, base_message) end def committed_migrations @committed_migrations ||= begin git_command = "git diff --name-only --diff-filter=A #{diff_target} -- #{MIGRATION_DIRS.join(' ')}" run(git_command).split("\n") end end def diff_target @diff_target ||= pipeline_for_merged_results? ? target_branch : merge_base end def merge_base run("git merge-base #{target_branch} #{source_ref}") end def target_branch ENV['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME'] || ENV['TARGET'] || 'master' end def source_ref ENV['CI_COMMIT_SHA'] || 'HEAD' end def pipeline_for_merged_results? ENV.key?('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA') end def find_migration_version(filename) file_basename = File.basename(filename) version_match = /\A(?\d{#{VERSION_DIGITS}})_/.match(file_basename) die "#{filename} has an invalid migration version" if version_match.nil? version_match[:version] end def validate_clean_output!(command, base_message) command_output = run(command) return if command_output.empty? die "#{base_message}:\n#{command_output}" end def die(message, error_code: 1) puts "\e[31mError: #{message}\e[0m" exit error_code end def run(cmd) puts "\e[32m$ #{cmd}\e[37m" stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) puts "#{stdout_str}#{stderr_str}\e[0m" die "command failed: #{stderr_str}" unless status.success? stdout_str.chomp end end MigrationSchemaValidator.new.validate!