# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci ## # This module implements methods that need to read and write # metadata for CI/CD entities. # module Metadatable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_one :metadata, class_name: 'Ci::BuildMetadata', foreign_key: :build_id, inverse_of: :build, autosave: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :metadata delegate :timeout, to: :metadata, prefix: true, allow_nil: true delegate :interruptible, to: :metadata, prefix: false, allow_nil: true delegate :environment_auto_stop_in, to: :metadata, prefix: false, allow_nil: true delegate :set_cancel_gracefully, to: :metadata, prefix: false, allow_nil: false delegate :id_tokens, to: :metadata, allow_nil: true before_create :ensure_metadata end def has_exposed_artifacts? !!metadata&.has_exposed_artifacts? end def cancel_gracefully? !!metadata&.cancel_gracefully? end def ensure_metadata metadata || build_metadata(project: project, partition_id: partition_id) end def degenerated? self.options.blank? end def degenerate! self.class.transaction do self.update!(options: nil, yaml_variables: nil) self.needs.all.delete_all self.metadata&.destroy end end def options read_metadata_attribute(:options, :config_options, {}) end def yaml_variables read_metadata_attribute(:yaml_variables, :config_variables, []) end def options=(value) write_metadata_attribute(:options, :config_options, value) ensure_metadata.tap do |metadata| # Store presence of exposed artifacts in build metadata to make it easier to query metadata.has_exposed_artifacts = value&.dig(:artifacts, :expose_as).present? metadata.environment_auto_stop_in = value&.dig(:environment, :auto_stop_in) end end def yaml_variables=(value) write_metadata_attribute(:yaml_variables, :config_variables, value) end def interruptible metadata&.interruptible end def interruptible=(value) ensure_metadata.interruptible = value end def id_tokens? metadata&.id_tokens.present? end def id_tokens=(value) ensure_metadata.id_tokens = value end def enqueue_immediately? !!options[:enqueue_immediately] end def set_enqueue_immediately! # ensures that even if `config_options: nil` in the database we set the # new value correctly. self.options = options.merge(enqueue_immediately: true) end private def read_metadata_attribute(legacy_key, metadata_key, default_value = nil) read_attribute(legacy_key) || metadata&.read_attribute(metadata_key) || default_value end def write_metadata_attribute(legacy_key, metadata_key, value) ensure_metadata.write_attribute(metadata_key, value) write_attribute(legacy_key, nil) end end end Ci::Metadatable.prepend_mod_with('Ci::Metadatable')