class @EditBlob constructor: (assets_path, mode)-> ace.config.set "modePath", assets_path + '/ace' ace.config.loadModule "ace/ext/searchbox" if mode ace_mode = mode editor = ace.edit("editor") editor.focus() @editor = editor if ace_mode editor.getSession().setMode "ace/mode/" + ace_mode # Before a form submission, move the content from the Ace editor into the # submitted textarea $('form').submit -> $("#file-content").val(editor.getValue()) editModePanes = $(".js-edit-mode-pane") editModeLinks = $(".js-edit-mode a") (event) -> event.preventDefault() currentLink = $(this) paneId = currentLink.attr("href") currentPane = editModePanes.filter(paneId) editModeLinks.parent().removeClass "active hover" currentLink.parent().addClass "active hover" editModePanes.hide() if paneId is "#preview" currentPane.fadeIn 200 $.post"preview-url"), content: editor.getValue() , (response) -> currentPane.empty().append response currentPane.syntaxHighlight() return else currentPane.fadeIn 200 editor.focus() return editor: -> return @editor