# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WhatsNewController do describe 'whats_new_path' do let(:item) { double(:item) } let(:highlights) { double(:highlight, items: [item], map: [item].map, next_page: 2) } context 'with whats_new_drawer feature enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(whats_new_drawer: true) end context 'with no page param' do it 'responds with paginated data and headers' do allow(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:paginated).with(page: 1).and_return(highlights) allow(Gitlab::WhatsNew::ItemPresenter).to receive(:present).with(item).and_return(item) get whats_new_path, xhr: true expect(response.body).to eq(highlights.items.to_json) expect(response.headers['X-Next-Page']).to eq(2) end end context 'with page param' do it 'passes the page parameter' do expect(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:paginated).with(page: 2).and_call_original get whats_new_path(page: 2), xhr: true end it 'returns a 404 if page param is negative' do get whats_new_path(page: -1), xhr: true expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'with version param' do it 'returns items without pagination headers' do allow(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:for_version).with(version: '42').and_return(highlights) allow(Gitlab::WhatsNew::ItemPresenter).to receive(:present).with(item).and_return(item) get whats_new_path(version: 42), xhr: true expect(response.body).to eq(highlights.items.to_json) expect(response.headers['X-Next-Page']).to be_nil end end end context 'with whats_new_drawer feature disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(whats_new_drawer: false) end it 'returns a 404' do get whats_new_path, xhr: true expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end