import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Sidebar, { forwardDeploymentFailureModalId } from '~/jobs/components/sidebar.vue'; import StagesDropdown from '~/jobs/components/stages_dropdown.vue'; import JobsContainer from '~/jobs/components/jobs_container.vue'; import JobRetryForwardDeploymentModal from '~/jobs/components/job_retry_forward_deployment_modal.vue'; import JobRetryButton from '~/jobs/components/job_sidebar_retry_button.vue'; import createStore from '~/jobs/store'; import job, { jobsInStage } from '../mock_data'; import { extendedWrapper } from '../../helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; describe('Sidebar details block', () => { let store; let wrapper; const forwardDeploymentFailure = 'forward_deployment_failure'; const findModal = () => wrapper.find(JobRetryForwardDeploymentModal); const findCancelButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('cancel-button'); const findNewIssueButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-new-issue'); const findRetryButton = () => wrapper.find(JobRetryButton); const findTerminalLink = () => wrapper.findByTestId('terminal-link'); const createWrapper = ({ props = {} } = {}) => { store = createStore(); wrapper = extendedWrapper( shallowMount(Sidebar, { ...props, store, }), ); }; afterEach(() => { if (wrapper) { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; } }); describe('when there is no retry path retry', () => { it('should not render a retry button', async () => { createWrapper(); const copy = { ...job, retry_path: null }; await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', copy); expect(findRetryButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('without terminal path', () => { it('does not render terminal link', async () => { createWrapper(); await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', job); expect(findTerminalLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with terminal path', () => { it('renders terminal link', async () => { createWrapper(); await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { ...job, terminal_path: 'job/43123/terminal' }); expect(findTerminalLink().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('actions', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', job); }); it('should render link to new issue', () => { expect(findNewIssueButton().attributes('href')).toBe(job.new_issue_path); expect(findNewIssueButton().text()).toBe('New issue'); }); it('should render the retry button', () => { expect(findRetryButton().props('href')).toBe(job.retry_path); }); it('should render link to cancel job', () => { expect(findCancelButton().text()).toMatch('Cancel'); expect(findCancelButton().attributes('href')).toBe(job.cancel_path); }); }); describe('forward deployment failure', () => { describe('when the relevant data is missing', () => { it.each` retryPath | failureReason ${null} | ${null} ${''} | ${''} ${job.retry_path} | ${''} ${''} | ${forwardDeploymentFailure} ${job.retry_path} | ${'unmet_prerequisites'} `( 'should not render the modal when path and failure are $retryPath, $failureReason', async ({ retryPath, failureReason }) => { createWrapper(); await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { ...job, failure_reason: failureReason, retry_path: retryPath, }); expect(findModal().exists()).toBe(false); }, ); }); describe('when there is the relevant error', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { ...job, failure_reason: forwardDeploymentFailure, }); }); it('should render the modal', () => { expect(findModal().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should provide the modal id to the button and modal', () => { expect(findRetryButton().props('modalId')).toBe(forwardDeploymentFailureModalId); expect(findModal().props('modalId')).toBe(forwardDeploymentFailureModalId); }); it('should provide the retry path to the button and modal', () => { expect(findRetryButton().props('href')).toBe(job.retry_path); expect(findModal().props('href')).toBe(job.retry_path); }); }); }); describe('stages dropdown', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', { ...job, stage: 'aStage' }); }); describe('with stages', () => { it('renders value provided as selectedStage as selected', () => { expect(wrapper.find(StagesDropdown).props('selectedStage')).toBe('aStage'); }); }); describe('without jobs for stages', () => { beforeEach(() => store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', job)); it('does not render jobs container', () => { expect(wrapper.find(JobsContainer).exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('with jobs for stages', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await store.dispatch('receiveJobSuccess', job); await store.dispatch('receiveJobsForStageSuccess', jobsInStage.latest_statuses); }); it('renders list of jobs', () => { expect(wrapper.find(JobsContainer).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); }); });