module Elasticsearch module Model module Response # Pagination for search results/records # module Pagination # Allow models to be paginated with the "will_paginate" gem [] # module WillPaginate def self.included(base) base.__send__ :include, ::WillPaginate::CollectionMethods # Include the paging methods in results and records # methods = [:current_page, :offset, :length, :per_page, :total_entries, :total_pages, :previous_page, :next_page, :out_of_bounds?] Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Results.__send__ :delegate, *methods, to: :response Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Records.__send__ :delegate, *methods, to: :response end def offset (current_page - 1) * per_page end def length search.definition[:size] end # Main pagination method # # @example # #'foo').paginate(page: 1, per_page: 30) # def paginate(options) param_name = options[:param_name] || :page page = [options[param_name].to_i, 1].max per_page = (options[:per_page] || __default_per_page).to_i search.definition.update size: per_page, from: (page - 1) * per_page self end # Return the current page # def current_page search.definition[:from] / per_page + 1 if search.definition[:from] && per_page end # Pagination method # # @example # #'foo').page(2) # def page(num) paginate(page: num, per_page: per_page) # shorthand end # Return or set the "size" value # # @example # #'foo').per_page(15).page(2) # def per_page(num = nil) if num.nil? search.definition[:size] else paginate(page: current_page, per_page: num) # shorthand end end # Returns the total number of results # def total_entries end # Returns the models's `per_page` value or the default # # @api private # def __default_per_page klass.respond_to?(:per_page) && klass.per_page || ::WillPaginate.per_page end end end end end end