module Elasticsearch module Model module Response # Common funtionality for classes in the {Elasticsearch::Model::Response} module # module Base attr_reader :klass, :response, :raw_response # @param klass [Class] The name of the model class # @param response [Hash] The full response returned from Elasticsearch client # @param options [Hash] Optional parameters # def initialize(klass, response, options={}) @klass = klass @raw_response = response @response = response end # @abstract Implement this method in specific class # def results raise NotImplemented, "Implement this method in #{klass}" end # @abstract Implement this method in specific class # def records raise NotImplemented, "Implement this method in #{klass}" end # Returns the total number of hits # def total response.response['hits']['total'] end # Returns the max_score # def max_score response.response['hits']['max_score'] end end end end end