module Elasticsearch module Model # Provides support for easily and efficiently importing large amounts of # records from the including class into the index. # # @see ClassMethods#import # module Importing # When included in a model, adds the importing methods. # # @example Import all records from the `Article` model # # Article.import # # @see #import # def self.included(base) base.__send__ :extend, ClassMethods adapter = Adapter.from_class(base) base.__send__ :include, adapter.importing_mixin base.__send__ :extend, adapter.importing_mixin end module ClassMethods # Import all model records into the index # # The method will pick up correct strategy based on the `Importing` module # defined in the corresponding adapter. # # @param options [Hash] Options passed to the underlying `__find_in_batches`method # @param block [Proc] Optional block to evaluate for each batch # # @yield [Hash] Gives the Hash with the Elasticsearch response to the block # # @return [Fixnum] Number of errors encountered during importing # # @example Import all records into the index # # Article.import # # @example Set the batch size to 100 # # Article.import batch_size: 100 # # @example Process the response from Elasticsearch # # Article.import do |response| # puts "Got " + response['items'].select { |i| i['index']['error'] }.size.to_s + " errors" # end # # @example Delete and create the index with appropriate settings and mappings # # Article.import force: true # # @example Refresh the index after importing all batches # # Article.import refresh: true # # @example Import the records into a different index/type than the default one # # Article.import index: 'my-new-index', type: 'my-other-type' # # @example Pass an ActiveRecord scope to limit the imported records # # Article.import scope: 'published' # # @example Pass an ActiveRecord query to limit the imported records # # Article.import query: -> { where(author_id: author_id) } # # @example Transform records during the import with a lambda # # transform = lambda do |a| # {index: {_id:, _parent: a.author_id, data: a.__elasticsearch__.as_indexed_json}} # end # # Article.import transform: transform # # @example Update the batch before yielding it # # class Article # # ... # def self.enrich(batch) # batch.each do |item| # item.metadata = MyAPI.get_metadata( # end # batch # end # end # # Article.import preprocess: :enrich # # @example Return an array of error elements instead of the number of errors, eg. # to try importing these records again # # Article.import return: 'errors' # def import(options={}, &block) errors = [] refresh = options.delete(:refresh) || false target_index = options.delete(:index) || index_name target_type = options.delete(:type) || document_type transform = options.delete(:transform) || __transform return_value = options.delete(:return) || 'count' unless transform.respond_to?(:call) raise ArgumentError, "Pass an object responding to `call` as the :transform option, #{transform.class} given" end if options.delete(:force) self.create_index! force: true, index: target_index elsif !self.index_exists? index: target_index raise ArgumentError, "#{target_index} does not exist to be imported into. Use create_index! or the :force option to create it." end __find_in_batches(options) do |batch| response = client.bulk \ index: target_index, type: target_type, body: __batch_to_bulk(batch, transform) yield response if block_given? errors += response['items'].select { |k, v| k.values.first['error'] } end self.refresh_index! index: target_index if refresh case return_value when 'errors' errors else errors.size end end def __batch_to_bulk(batch, transform) { |model| } end end end end end