--- stage: Configure group: Configure info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#designated-technical-writers --- # Routing `kas` requests in the Kubernetes Agent **(PREMIUM ONLY)** This document describes how `kas` routes requests to concrete `agentk` instances. GitLab must talk to GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server (`kas`) to: - Get information about connected agents. [Read more](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/249560). - Interact with agents. [Read more](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/230571). - Interact with Kubernetes clusters. [Read more](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/240918). Each agent connects to an instance of `kas` and keeps an open connection. When GitLab must talk to a particular agent, a `kas` instance connected to this agent must be found, and the request routed to it. ## System design For an architecture overview please see [architecture.md](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent/-/blob/master/doc/architecture.md). ```mermaid flowchart LR subgraph "Kubernetes 1" agentk1p1["agentk 1, Pod1"] agentk1p2["agentk 1, Pod2"] end subgraph "Kubernetes 2" agentk2p1["agentk 2, Pod1"] end subgraph "Kubernetes 3" agentk3p1["agentk 3, Pod1"] end subgraph kas kas1["kas 1"] kas2["kas 2"] kas3["kas 3"] end GitLab["GitLab Rails"] Redis GitLab -- "gRPC to any kas" --> kas kas1 -- register connected agents --> Redis kas2 -- register connected agents --> Redis kas1 -- lookup agent --> Redis agentk1p1 -- "gRPC" --> kas1 agentk1p2 -- "gRPC" --> kas2 agentk2p1 -- "gRPC" --> kas1 agentk3p1 -- "gRPC" --> kas2 ``` For this architecture, this diagram shows a request to `agentk 3, Pod1` for the list of pods: ```mermaid sequenceDiagram GitLab->>+kas1: Get list of running
Pods from agentk
with agent_id=3 Note right of kas1: kas1 checks for
agent connected with agent_id=3.
It does not.
Queries Redis kas1->>+Redis: Get list of connected agents
with agent_id=3 Redis-->-kas1: List of connected agents
with agent_id=3 Note right of kas1: kas1 picks a specific agentk instance
to address and talks to
the corresponding kas instance,
specifying which agentk instance
to route the request to. kas1->>+kas2: Get the list of running Pods
from agentk 3, Pod1 kas2->>+agentk 3 Pod1: Get list of Pods agentk 3 Pod1->>-kas2: Get list of Pods kas2-->>-kas1: List of running Pods
from agentk 3, Pod1 kas1-->>-GitLab: List of running Pods
from agentk with agent_id=3 ``` Each `kas` instance tracks the agents connected to it in Redis. For each agent, it stores a serialized protobuf object with information about the agent. When an agent disconnects, `kas` removes all corresponding information from Redis. For both events, `kas` publishes a notification to a Redis [pub-sub channel](https://redis.io/topics/pubsub). Each agent, while logically a single entity, can have multiple replicas (multiple pods) in a cluster. `kas` accommodates that and records per-replica (generally per-connection) information. Each open `GetConfiguration()` streaming request is given a unique identifier which, combined with agent ID, identifies an `agentk` instance. gRPC can keep multiple TCP connections open for a single target host. `agentk` only runs one `GetConfiguration()` streaming request. `kas` uses that connection, and doesn't see idle TCP connections because they are handled by the gRPC framework. Each `kas` instance provides information to Redis, so other `kas` instances can discover and access it. Information is stored in Redis with an [expiration time](https://redis.io/commands/expire), to expire information for `kas` instances that become unavailable. To prevent information from expiring too quickly, `kas` periodically updates the expiration time for valid entries. Before terminating, `kas` cleans up the information it adds into Redis. When `kas` must atomically update multiple data structures in Redis, it uses [transactions](https://redis.io/topics/transactions) to ensure data consistency. Grouped data items must have the same expiration time. In addition to the existing `agentk -> kas` gRPC endpoint, `kas` exposes two new, separate gRPC endpoints for GitLab and for `kas -> kas` requests. Each endpoint is a separate network listener, making it easier to control network access to endpoints and allowing separate configuration for each endpoint. Databases, like PostgreSQL, aren't used because the data is transient, with no need to reliably persist it. ### `GitLab : kas` external endpoint GitLab authenticates with `kas` using JWT and the same shared secret used by the `kas -> GitLab` communication. The JWT issuer should be `gitlab` and the audience should be `gitlab-kas`. When accessed through this endpoint, `kas` plays the role of request router. If a request from GitLab comes but no connected agent can handle it, `kas` blocks and waits for a suitable agent to connect to it or to another `kas` instance. It stops waiting when the client disconnects, or when some long timeout happens, such as client timeout. `kas` is notified of new agent connections through a [pub-sub channel](https://redis.io/topics/pubsub) to avoid frequent polling. When a suitable agent connects, `kas` routes the request to it. ### `kas : kas` internal endpoint This endpoint is an implementation detail, an internal API, and should not be used by any other system. It's protected by JWT using a secret, shared among all `kas` instances. No other system must have access to this secret. When accessed through this endpoint, `kas` uses the request itself to determine which `agentk` to send the request to. It prevents request cycles by only following the instructions in the request, rather than doing discovery. It's the responsibility of the `kas` receiving the request from the _external_ endpoint to retry and re-route requests. This method ensures a single central component for each request can determine how a request is routed, rather than distributing the decision across several `kas` instances. ### API definitions ```proto syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message KasAddress { string ip = 1; uint32 port = 2; } message ConnectedAgentInfo { // Agent id. int64 id = 1; // Identifies a particular agentk->kas connection. Randomly generated when agent connects. int64 connection_id = 2; string version = 3; string commit = 4; // Pod namespace. string pod_namespace = 5; // Pod name. string pod_name = 6; // When the connection was established. google.protobuf.Timestamp connected_at = 7; KasAddress kas_address = 8; // What else do we need? } message KasInstanceInfo { string version = 1; string commit = 2; KasAddress address = 3; // What else do we need? } message ConnectedAgentsForProjectRequest { int64 project_id = 1; } message ConnectedAgentsForProjectResponse { // There may 0 or more agents with the same id, depending on the number of running Pods. repeated ConnectedAgentInfo agents = 1; } message ConnectedAgentsByIdRequest { int64 agent_id = 1; } message ConnectedAgentsByIdResponse { repeated ConnectedAgentInfo agents = 1; } // API for use by GitLab. service KasApi { // Connected agents for a particular configuration project. rpc ConnectedAgentsForProject (ConnectedAgentsForProjectRequest) returns (ConnectedAgentsForProjectResponse) { } // Connected agents for a particular agent id. rpc ConnectedAgentsById (ConnectedAgentsByIdRequest) returns (ConnectedAgentsByIdResponse) { } // Depends on the need, but here is the call from the example above. rpc GetPods (GetPodsRequest) returns (GetPodsResponse) { } } message Pod { string namespace = 1; string name = 2; } message GetPodsRequest { int64 agent_id = 1; int64 connection_id = 2; } message GetPodsResponse { repeated Pod pods = 1; } // Internal API for use by kas for kas -> kas calls. service KasInternal { // Depends on the need, but here is the call from the example above. rpc GetPods (GetPodsRequest) returns (GetPodsResponse) { } } ```