import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { GlDropdownItem, GlLink, GlModal, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { mockTracking } from 'helpers/tracking_helper'; import { createAlert, VARIANT_SUCCESS } from '~/alert'; import { STATUS_CLOSED, STATUS_OPEN, TYPE_INCIDENT, TYPE_ISSUE } from '~/issues/constants'; import DeleteIssueModal from '~/issues/show/components/delete_issue_modal.vue'; import AbuseCategorySelector from '~/abuse_reports/components/abuse_category_selector.vue'; import HeaderActions from '~/issues/show/components/header_actions.vue'; import { ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_CLOSE, ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_REOPEN } from '~/issues/show/constants'; import issuesEventHub from '~/issues/show/event_hub'; import promoteToEpicMutation from '~/issues/show/queries/promote_to_epic.mutation.graphql'; import * as urlUtility from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import eventHub from '~/notes/event_hub'; import createStore from '~/notes/stores'; jest.mock('~/alert'); jest.mock('~/issues/show/event_hub', () => ({ $emit: jest.fn() })); describe('HeaderActions component', () => { let dispatchEventSpy; let mutateMock; let wrapper; let visitUrlSpy; Vue.use(Vuex); const store = createStore(); const defaultProps = { canCreateIssue: true, canDestroyIssue: true, canPromoteToEpic: true, canReopenIssue: true, canReportSpam: true, canUpdateIssue: true, iid: '32', isIssueAuthor: true, issuePath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/1', issueType: TYPE_ISSUE, newIssuePath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/new', projectPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test', reportAbusePath: '-/abuse_reports/add_category', reportedUserId: 1, reportedFromUrl: 'http://localhost:/gitlab-org/-/issues/32', submitAsSpamPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/32/submit_as_spam', }; const updateIssueMutationResponse = { data: { updateIssue: { errors: [] } } }; const promoteToEpicMutationResponse = { data: { promoteToEpic: { errors: [], epic: { webPath: '/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1', }, }, }, }; const promoteToEpicMutationErrorResponse = { data: { promoteToEpic: { errors: ['The issue has already been promoted to an epic.'], epic: {}, }, }, }; const findToggleIssueStateButton = () => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="toggle-button"]`); const findEditButton = () => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="edit-button"]`); const findDropdownBy = (dataTestId) => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="${dataTestId}"]`); const findMobileDropdown = () => findDropdownBy('mobile-dropdown'); const findDesktopDropdown = () => findDropdownBy('desktop-dropdown'); const findMobileDropdownItems = () => findMobileDropdown().findAllComponents(GlDropdownItem); const findDesktopDropdownItems = () => findDesktopDropdown().findAllComponents(GlDropdownItem); const findModal = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlModal); const findModalLinkAt = (index) => findModal().findAllComponents(GlLink).at(index); const mountComponent = ({ props = {}, issueState = STATUS_OPEN, blockedByIssues = [], mutateResponse = {}, } = {}) => { mutateMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mutateResponse); store.dispatch('setNoteableData', { blocked_by_issues: blockedByIssues, state: issueState, }); return shallowMount(HeaderActions, { store, provide: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, mocks: { $apollo: { mutate: mutateMock, }, }, stubs: { GlButton, }, }); }; afterEach(() => { if (dispatchEventSpy) { dispatchEventSpy.mockRestore(); } if (visitUrlSpy) { visitUrlSpy.mockRestore(); } }); describe.each` issueType ${TYPE_ISSUE} ${TYPE_INCIDENT} `('when issue type is $issueType', ({ issueType }) => { describe('close/reopen button', () => { describe.each` description | issueState | buttonText | newIssueState ${`when the ${issueType} is open`} | ${STATUS_OPEN} | ${`Close ${issueType}`} | ${ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_CLOSE} ${`when the ${issueType} is closed`} | ${STATUS_CLOSED} | ${`Reopen ${issueType}`} | ${ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_REOPEN} `('$description', ({ issueState, buttonText, newIssueState }) => { beforeEach(() => { dispatchEventSpy = jest.spyOn(document, 'dispatchEvent'); wrapper = mountComponent({ props: { issueType }, issueState, mutateResponse: updateIssueMutationResponse, }); }); it(`has text "${buttonText}"`, () => { expect(findToggleIssueStateButton().text()).toBe(buttonText); }); it('calls apollo mutation', () => { findToggleIssueStateButton().vm.$emit('click'); expect(mutateMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ variables: { input: { iid: defaultProps.iid, projectPath: defaultProps.projectPath, stateEvent: newIssueState, }, }, }), ); }); it('dispatches a custom event to update the issue page', async () => { findToggleIssueStateButton().vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); expect(dispatchEventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); describe.each` description | isCloseIssueItemVisible | findDropdownItems | findDropdown ${'mobile dropdown'} | ${true} | ${findMobileDropdownItems} | ${findMobileDropdown} ${'desktop dropdown'} | ${false} | ${findDesktopDropdownItems} | ${findDesktopDropdown} `('$description', ({ isCloseIssueItemVisible, findDropdownItems, findDropdown }) => { describe.each` description | itemText | isItemVisible | canUpdateIssue | canCreateIssue | isIssueAuthor | canReportSpam | canPromoteToEpic | canDestroyIssue ${`when user can update ${issueType}`} | ${`Close ${issueType}`} | ${isCloseIssueItemVisible} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${`when user cannot update ${issueType}`} | ${`Close ${issueType}`} | ${false} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${`when user can create ${issueType}`} | ${`New related ${issueType}`} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${`when user cannot create ${issueType}`} | ${`New related ${issueType}`} | ${false} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${'when user can promote to epic'} | ${'Promote to epic'} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${'when user cannot promote to epic'} | ${'Promote to epic'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true} ${'when user can report abuse'} | ${'Report abuse to administrator'} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${'when user cannot report abuse'} | ${'Report abuse to administrator'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${'when user can submit as spam'} | ${'Submit as spam'} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${'when user cannot submit as spam'} | ${'Submit as spam'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} ${`when user can delete ${issueType}`} | ${`Delete ${issueType}`} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} ${`when user cannot delete ${issueType}`} | ${`Delete ${issueType}`} | ${false} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${true} | ${false} `( '$description', ({ itemText, isItemVisible, canUpdateIssue, canCreateIssue, isIssueAuthor, canReportSpam, canPromoteToEpic, canDestroyIssue, }) => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ props: { canUpdateIssue, canCreateIssue, isIssueAuthor, issueType, canReportSpam, canPromoteToEpic, canDestroyIssue, }, }); }); it(`${isItemVisible ? 'shows' : 'hides'} "${itemText}" item`, () => { expect( findDropdownItems() .filter((item) => item.text() === itemText) .exists(), ).toBe(isItemVisible); }); }, ); describe(`when user can update but not create ${issueType}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ props: { canUpdateIssue: true, canCreateIssue: false, isIssueAuthor: true, issueType, canReportSpam: false, canPromoteToEpic: false, }, }); }); it(`${isCloseIssueItemVisible ? 'shows' : 'hides'} the dropdown button`, () => { expect(findDropdown().exists()).toBe(isCloseIssueItemVisible); }); }); }); describe(`show edit button ${issueType}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ props: { canUpdateIssue: true, canCreateIssue: false, isIssueAuthor: true, issueType, canReportSpam: false, canPromoteToEpic: false, }, }); }); it(`shows the edit button`, () => { expect(findEditButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should trigger "open.form" event when clicked', async () => { expect(issuesEventHub.$emit).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await findEditButton().trigger('click'); expect(issuesEventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('open.form'); }); }); }); describe('delete issue button', () => { let trackingSpy; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent(); trackingSpy = mockTracking(undefined, wrapper.element, jest.spyOn); }); it('tracks clicking on button', () => { findDesktopDropdownItems().at(3).vm.$emit('click'); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, 'click_dropdown', { label: 'delete_issue', }); }); }); describe('when "Promote to epic" button is clicked', () => { describe('when response is successful', () => { beforeEach(() => { visitUrlSpy = jest.spyOn(urlUtility, 'visitUrl').mockReturnValue({}); wrapper = mountComponent({ mutateResponse: promoteToEpicMutationResponse, }); wrapper.find('[data-testid="promote-button"]').vm.$emit('click'); }); it('invokes GraphQL mutation when clicked', () => { expect(mutateMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ mutation: promoteToEpicMutation, variables: { input: { iid: defaultProps.iid, projectPath: defaultProps.projectPath, }, }, }), ); }); it('shows a success message and tells the user they are being redirected', () => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'The issue was successfully promoted to an epic. Redirecting to epic...', variant: VARIANT_SUCCESS, }); }); it('redirects to newly created epic path', () => { expect(visitUrlSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, ); }); }); describe('when response contains errors', () => { beforeEach(() => { visitUrlSpy = jest.spyOn(urlUtility, 'visitUrl').mockReturnValue({}); wrapper = mountComponent({ mutateResponse: promoteToEpicMutationErrorResponse, }); wrapper.find('[data-testid="promote-button"]').vm.$emit('click'); }); it('shows an error message', () => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: HeaderActions.i18n.promoteErrorMessage, }); }); }); }); describe('when `toggle.issuable.state` event is emitted', () => { it('invokes a method to toggle the issue state', () => { wrapper = mountComponent({ mutateResponse: updateIssueMutationResponse }); eventHub.$emit('toggle.issuable.state'); expect(mutateMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ variables: { input: { iid: defaultProps.iid, projectPath: defaultProps.projectPath, stateEvent: ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_CLOSE, }, }, }), ); }); }); describe('blocked by issues modal', () => { const blockedByIssues = [ { iid: 13, web_url: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/13' }, { iid: 79, web_url: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/79' }, ]; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ blockedByIssues }); }); it('has title text', () => { expect(findModal().attributes('title')).toBe( 'Are you sure you want to close this blocked issue?', ); }); it('has body text', () => { expect(findModal().text()).toContain( 'This issue is currently blocked by the following issues:', ); }); it('calls apollo mutation when primary button is clicked', () => { findModal().vm.$emit('primary'); expect(mutateMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ variables: { input: { iid: defaultProps.iid.toString(), projectPath: defaultProps.projectPath, stateEvent: ISSUE_STATE_EVENT_CLOSE, }, }, }), ); }); describe.each` ordinal | index ${'first'} | ${0} ${'second'} | ${1} `('$ordinal blocked-by issue link', ({ index }) => { it('has link text', () => { expect(findModalLinkAt(index).text()).toBe(`#${blockedByIssues[index].iid}`); }); it('has url', () => { expect(findModalLinkAt(index).attributes('href')).toBe(blockedByIssues[index].web_url); }); }); }); describe('delete issue modal', () => { it('renders', () => { wrapper = mountComponent(); expect(wrapper.findComponent(DeleteIssueModal).props()).toEqual({ issuePath: defaultProps.issuePath, issueType: defaultProps.issueType, modalId: HeaderActions.deleteModalId, title: 'Delete issue', }); }); }); describe('abuse category selector', () => { const findAbuseCategorySelector = () => wrapper.findComponent(AbuseCategorySelector); beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mountComponent({ props: { isIssueAuthor: false } }); }); it("doesn't render", async () => { expect(findAbuseCategorySelector().exists()).toEqual(false); }); it('opens the drawer', async () => { findDesktopDropdownItems().at(2).vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); expect(findAbuseCategorySelector().props('showDrawer')).toEqual(true); }); it('closes the drawer', async () => { await findDesktopDropdownItems().at(2).vm.$emit('click'); await findAbuseCategorySelector().vm.$emit('close-drawer'); expect(findAbuseCategorySelector().exists()).toEqual(false); }); }); });