require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Profiler do RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change let(:null_logger) {'/dev/null') } let(:private_token) { 'private' } describe '.profile' do let(:app) { double(:app) } before do allow(ActionDispatch::Integration::Session).to receive(:new).and_return(app) allow(app).to receive(:get) end it 'returns a profile result' do expect(described_class.profile('/')).to be_an_instance_of(RubyProf::Profile) end it 'uses the custom logger given' do expect(described_class).to receive(:create_custom_logger) .with(null_logger, private_token: anything) .and_call_original described_class.profile('/', logger: null_logger) end it 'sends a POST request when data is passed' do post_data = '{"a":1}' expect(app).to receive(:post).with(anything, post_data, anything) described_class.profile('/', post_data: post_data) end it 'uses the private_token for auth if given' do expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/', nil, 'Private-Token' => private_token) expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/api/v4/users') described_class.profile('/', private_token: private_token) end it 'uses the user for auth if given' do user = double(:user) user_token = 'user' allow(user).to receive_message_chain(:personal_access_tokens, :active, :pluck, :first).and_return(user_token) expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/', nil, 'Private-Token' => user_token) expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/api/v4/users') described_class.profile('/', user: user) end it 'uses the private_token for auth if both it and user are set' do user = double(:user) user_token = 'user' allow(user).to receive_message_chain(:personal_access_tokens, :active, :pluck, :first).and_return(user_token) expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/', nil, 'Private-Token' => private_token) expect(app).to receive(:get).with('/api/v4/users') described_class.profile('/', user: user, private_token: private_token) end end describe '.create_custom_logger' do it 'does nothing when nil is passed' do expect(described_class.create_custom_logger(nil)).to be_nil end context 'the new logger' do let(:custom_logger) do described_class.create_custom_logger(null_logger, private_token: private_token) end it 'does not affect the existing logger' do expect(null_logger).not_to receive(:debug) expect(custom_logger).to receive(:debug).and_call_original custom_logger.debug('Foo') end it 'strips out the private token' do expect(custom_logger).to receive(:add) do |severity, _progname, message| expect(severity).to eq(Logger::DEBUG) expect(message).to include('public').and include(described_class::FILTERED_STRING) expect(message).not_to include(private_token) end custom_logger.debug("public #{private_token}") end it 'tracks model load times by model' do custom_logger.debug('This is not a model load') custom_logger.debug('User Load (1.2ms)') custom_logger.debug('User Load (1.3ms)') custom_logger.debug('Project Load (10.4ms)') expect(custom_logger.load_times_by_model).to eq('User' => 2.5, 'Project' => 10.4) end it 'logs the backtrace, ignoring lines as appropriate' do # Skip Rails's backtrace cleaning. allow(Rails.backtrace_cleaner).to receive(:clean, &:itself) expect(custom_logger).to receive(:add) .with(Logger::DEBUG, anything, a_string_matching(File.basename(__FILE__))) .twice expect(custom_logger).not_to receive(:add).with(Logger::DEBUG, anything, a_string_matching('lib/gitlab/profiler.rb')) # Force a part of the backtrace to be in the (ignored) profiler source # file. described_class.with_custom_logger(nil) { custom_logger.debug('Foo') } end end end describe '.with_custom_logger' do context 'when the logger is set' do it 'uses the replacement logger for the duration of the block' do expect(null_logger).to receive(:debug).and_call_original expect { described_class.with_custom_logger(null_logger) { ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug('foo') } } .to not_change { ActiveRecord::Base.logger } .and not_change { ActionController::Base.logger } .and not_change { ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging } end it 'returns the result of the block' do expect(described_class.with_custom_logger(null_logger) { 2 }).to eq(2) end end context 'when the logger is nil' do it 'returns the result of the block' do expect(described_class.with_custom_logger(nil) { 2 }).to eq(2) end it 'does not modify the standard Rails loggers' do expect { described_class.with_custom_logger(nil) { } } .to not_change { ActiveRecord::Base.logger } .and not_change { ActionController::Base.logger } .and not_change { ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging } end end end end