require 'spec_helper' describe BlobHelper do include TreeHelper describe '#highlight' do it 'wraps highlighted content' do expect(helper.highlight('test.rb', '52')).to eq(%q[<pre class="code highlight"><code><span id="LC1" class="line" lang="ruby"><span class="mi">52</span></span></code></pre>]) end it 'handles plain version' do expect(helper.highlight('test.rb', '52', plain: true)).to eq(%q[<pre class="code highlight"><code><span id="LC1" class="line" lang="">52</span></code></pre>]) end end describe "#sanitize_svg_data" do let(:input_svg_path) { File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unsanitized.svg') } let(:data) { } let(:expected_svg_path) { File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'sanitized.svg') } let(:expected) { } it 'retains essential elements' do expect(sanitize_svg_data(data)).to eq(expected) end end describe "#edit_blob_link" do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace, name: 'gitlab' )} let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: namespace) } before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(nil) allow(self).to receive(:can_collaborate_with_project?).and_return(true) end it 'verifies blob is text' do expect(helper).not_to receive(:blob_text_viewable?) button = edit_blob_button(project, 'refs/heads/master', '') expect(button).to start_with('<button') end it 'uses the passed blob instead retrieve from repository' do blob = project.repository.blob_at('refs/heads/master', '') expect(project.repository).not_to receive(:blob_at) edit_blob_button(project, 'refs/heads/master', '', blob: blob) end it 'returns a link with the proper route' do link = edit_blob_button(project, 'master', '') expect(Capybara.string(link).find_link('Edit')[:href]).to eq("/#{project.full_path}/edit/master/") end it 'returns a link with the passed link_opts on the expected route' do link = edit_blob_button(project, 'master', '', link_opts: { mr_id: 10 }) expect(Capybara.string(link).find_link('Edit')[:href]).to eq("/#{project.full_path}/edit/master/") end end context 'viewer related' do include FakeBlobHelpers let(:project) { build(:project, lfs_enabled: true) } before do allow(Gitlab.config.lfs).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true) end let(:viewer_class) do do include BlobViewer::ServerSide self.collapse_limit = 1.megabyte self.size_limit = 5.megabytes self.type = :rich end end let(:viewer) { } let(:blob) { fake_blob } describe '#blob_render_error_reason' do context 'for error :too_large' do context 'when the blob size is larger than the absolute size limit' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(size: 10.megabytes) } it 'returns an error message' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_reason(viewer)).to eq('it is larger than 5 MB') end end context 'when the blob size is larger than the size limit' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(size: 2.megabytes) } it 'returns an error message' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_reason(viewer)).to eq('it is larger than 1 MB') end end end context 'for error :server_side_but_stored_externally' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(lfs: true) } it 'returns an error message' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_reason(viewer)).to eq('it is stored in LFS') end end end describe '#blob_render_error_options' do before do assign(:project, project) assign(:blob, blob) assign(:id, File.join('master', blob.path)) controller.params[:controller] = 'projects/blob' controller.params[:action] = 'show' controller.params[:namespace_id] = project.namespace.to_param controller.params[:project_id] = project.to_param controller.params[:id] = File.join('master', blob.path) end context 'for error :collapsed' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(size: 2.megabytes) } it 'includes a "load it anyway" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).to include(/load it anyway/) end end context 'for error :too_large' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(size: 10.megabytes) } it 'does not include a "load it anyway" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).not_to include(/load it anyway/) end context 'when the viewer is rich' do context 'the blob is rendered as text' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(path: '', size: 2.megabytes) } it 'includes a "view the source" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).to include(/view the source/) end end context 'the blob is not rendered as text' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(path: 'file.pdf', binary: true, size: 2.megabytes) } it 'does not include a "view the source" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).not_to include(/view the source/) end end end context 'when the viewer is not rich' do before do viewer_class.type = :simple end let(:blob) { fake_blob(path: '', size: 2.megabytes) } it 'does not include a "view the source" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).not_to include(/view the source/) end end it 'includes a "download it" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).to include(/download it/) end end context 'for error :server_side_but_stored_externally' do let(:blob) { fake_blob(path: '', lfs: true) } it 'does not include a "load it anyway" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).not_to include(/load it anyway/) end it 'does not include a "view the source" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).not_to include(/view the source/) end it 'includes a "download it" link' do expect(helper.blob_render_error_options(viewer)).to include(/download it/) end end end end describe '#ide_edit_path' do let(:project) { create(:project) } around do |example| old_script_name = Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:script_name] begin ensure Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:script_name] = old_script_name end end it 'returns full IDE path' do Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:script_name] = nil expect(helper.ide_edit_path(project, "master", "")).to eq("/-/ide/project/#{project.namespace.path}/#{project.path}/edit/master") end it 'returns full IDE path with second -' do Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:script_name] = nil expect(helper.ide_edit_path(project, "testing/slashes", "")).to eq("/-/ide/project/#{project.namespace.path}/#{project.path}/edit/testing/slashes/-/") end it 'returns IDE path without relative_url_root' do Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:script_name] = "/gitlab" expect(helper.ide_edit_path(project, "master", "")).to eq("/gitlab/-/ide/project/#{project.namespace.path}/#{project.path}/edit/master") end end end