namespace :gitlab do desc 'GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab and its environment' task check: %w{gitlab:gitlab_shell:check gitlab:sidekiq:check gitlab:incoming_email:check gitlab:ldap:check gitlab:app:check} namespace :app do desc 'GitLab | Check the configuration of the GitLab Rails app' task check: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab checks = [ SystemCheck::App::GitConfigCheck, SystemCheck::App::DatabaseConfigExistsCheck, SystemCheck::App::MigrationsAreUpCheck, SystemCheck::App::OrphanedGroupMembersCheck, SystemCheck::App::GitlabConfigExistsCheck, SystemCheck::App::GitlabConfigUpToDateCheck, SystemCheck::App::LogWritableCheck, SystemCheck::App::TmpWritableCheck, SystemCheck::App::UploadsDirectoryExistsCheck, SystemCheck::App::UploadsPathPermissionCheck, SystemCheck::App::UploadsPathTmpPermissionCheck, SystemCheck::App::InitScriptExistsCheck, SystemCheck::App::InitScriptUpToDateCheck, SystemCheck::App::ProjectsHaveNamespaceCheck, SystemCheck::App::RedisVersionCheck, SystemCheck::App::RubyVersionCheck, SystemCheck::App::GitVersionCheck, SystemCheck::App::GitUserDefaultSSHConfigCheck, SystemCheck::App::ActiveUsersCheck ]'GitLab', checks) end end namespace :gitlab_shell do desc "GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab Shell" task check: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab start_checking "GitLab Shell" check_gitlab_shell check_repo_base_exists check_repo_base_is_not_symlink check_repo_base_user_and_group check_repo_base_permissions check_repos_hooks_directory_is_link check_gitlab_shell_self_test finished_checking "GitLab Shell" end # Checks ######################## def check_repo_base_exists puts "Repo base directory exists?" Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.each do |name, repository_storage| repo_base_path = repository_storage['path'] print "#{name}... " if File.exist?(repo_base_path) puts "yes".color(:green) else puts "no".color(:red) puts "#{repo_base_path} is missing".color(:red) try_fixing_it( "This should have been created when setting up GitLab Shell.", "Make sure it's set correctly in config/gitlab.yml", "Make sure GitLab Shell is installed correctly." ) for_more_information( see_installation_guide_section "GitLab Shell" ) fix_and_rerun end end end def check_repo_base_is_not_symlink puts "Repo storage directories are symlinks?" Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.each do |name, repository_storage| repo_base_path = repository_storage['path'] print "#{name}... " unless File.exist?(repo_base_path) puts "can't check because of previous errors".color(:magenta) break end unless File.symlink?(repo_base_path) puts "no".color(:green) else puts "yes".color(:red) try_fixing_it( "Make sure it's set to the real directory in config/gitlab.yml" ) fix_and_rerun end end end def check_repo_base_permissions puts "Repo paths access is drwxrws---?" Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.each do |name, repository_storage| repo_base_path = repository_storage['path'] print "#{name}... " unless File.exist?(repo_base_path) puts "can't check because of previous errors".color(:magenta) break end if File.stat(repo_base_path).mode.to_s(8).ends_with?("2770") puts "yes".color(:green) else puts "no".color(:red) try_fixing_it( "sudo chmod -R ug+rwX,o-rwx #{repo_base_path}", "sudo chmod -R ug-s #{repo_base_path}", "sudo find #{repo_base_path} -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod g+s" ) for_more_information( see_installation_guide_section "GitLab Shell" ) fix_and_rerun end end end def check_repo_base_user_and_group gitlab_shell_ssh_user = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_user puts "Repo paths owned by #{gitlab_shell_ssh_user}:root, or #{gitlab_shell_ssh_user}:#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.owner_group}?" Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.each do |name, repository_storage| repo_base_path = repository_storage['path'] print "#{name}... " unless File.exist?(repo_base_path) puts "can't check because of previous errors".color(:magenta) break end user_id = uid_for(gitlab_shell_ssh_user) root_group_id = gid_for('root') group_ids = [root_group_id, gid_for(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.owner_group)] if File.stat(repo_base_path).uid == user_id && group_ids.include?(File.stat(repo_base_path).gid) puts "yes".color(:green) else puts "no".color(:red) puts " User id for #{gitlab_shell_ssh_user}: #{user_id}. Groupd id for root: #{root_group_id}".color(:blue) try_fixing_it( "sudo chown -R #{gitlab_shell_ssh_user}:root #{repo_base_path}" ) for_more_information( see_installation_guide_section "GitLab Shell" ) fix_and_rerun end end end def check_repos_hooks_directory_is_link print "hooks directories in repos are links: ... " gitlab_shell_hooks_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path unless Project.count > 0 puts "can't check, you have no projects".color(:magenta) return end puts "" Project.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |project| print sanitized_message(project) project_hook_directory = File.join(project.repository.path_to_repo, "hooks") if project.empty_repo? puts "repository is empty".color(:magenta) elsif && && (File.realpath(project_hook_directory) == File.realpath(gitlab_shell_hooks_path)) puts 'ok'.color(:green) else puts "wrong or missing hooks".color(:red) try_fixing_it( sudo_gitlab("#{File.join(gitlab_shell_path, 'bin/create-hooks')} #{repository_storage_paths_args.join(' ')}"), 'Check the hooks_path in config/gitlab.yml', 'Check your gitlab-shell installation' ) for_more_information( see_installation_guide_section "GitLab Shell" ) fix_and_rerun end end end def check_gitlab_shell_self_test gitlab_shell_repo_base = gitlab_shell_path check_cmd = File.expand_path('bin/check', gitlab_shell_repo_base) puts "Running #{check_cmd}" if system(check_cmd, chdir: gitlab_shell_repo_base) puts 'gitlab-shell self-check successful'.color(:green) else puts 'gitlab-shell self-check failed'.color(:red) try_fixing_it( 'Make sure GitLab is running;', 'Check the gitlab-shell configuration file:', sudo_gitlab("editor #{File.expand_path('config.yml', gitlab_shell_repo_base)}") ) fix_and_rerun end end # Helper methods ######################## def gitlab_shell_path Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.path end def gitlab_shell_version end def gitlab_shell_major_version Gitlab::Shell.version_required.split('.')[0].to_i end def gitlab_shell_minor_version Gitlab::Shell.version_required.split('.')[1].to_i end def gitlab_shell_patch_version Gitlab::Shell.version_required.split('.')[2].to_i end end namespace :sidekiq do desc "GitLab | Check the configuration of Sidekiq" task check: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab start_checking "Sidekiq" check_sidekiq_running only_one_sidekiq_running finished_checking "Sidekiq" end # Checks ######################## def check_sidekiq_running print "Running? ... " if sidekiq_process_count > 0 puts "yes".color(:green) else puts "no".color(:red) try_fixing_it( sudo_gitlab("RAILS_ENV=production bin/background_jobs start") ) for_more_information( see_installation_guide_section("Install Init Script"), "see log/sidekiq.log for possible errors" ) fix_and_rerun end end def only_one_sidekiq_running process_count = sidekiq_process_count return if print 'Number of Sidekiq processes ... ' if process_count == 1 puts '1'.color(:green) else puts "#{process_count}".color(:red) try_fixing_it( 'sudo service gitlab stop', "sudo pkill -u #{gitlab_user} -f sidekiq", "sleep 10 && sudo pkill -9 -u #{gitlab_user} -f sidekiq", 'sudo service gitlab start' ) fix_and_rerun end end def sidekiq_process_count ps_ux, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w(ps uxww)) ps_ux.scan(/sidekiq \d+\.\d+\.\d+/).count end end namespace :incoming_email do desc "GitLab | Check the configuration of Reply by email" task check: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab if Gitlab.config.incoming_email.enabled checks = [ SystemCheck::IncomingEmail::ImapAuthenticationCheck ] if Rails.env.production? checks << SystemCheck::IncomingEmail::InitdConfiguredCheck checks << SystemCheck::IncomingEmail::MailRoomRunningCheck else checks << SystemCheck::IncomingEmail::ForemanConfiguredCheck end'Reply by email', checks) else puts 'Reply by email is disabled in config/gitlab.yml' end end end namespace :ldap do task :check, [:limit] => :gitlab_environment do |_, args| # Only show up to 100 results because LDAP directories can be very big. # This setting only affects the `rake gitlab:check` script. args.with_defaults(limit: 100) warn_user_is_not_gitlab start_checking "LDAP" if Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled? check_ldap(args.limit) else puts 'LDAP is disabled in config/gitlab.yml' end finished_checking "LDAP" end def check_ldap(limit) servers = Gitlab::LDAP::Config.providers servers.each do |server| puts "Server: #{server}" begin do |adapter| check_ldap_auth(adapter) puts "LDAP users with access to your GitLab server (only showing the first #{limit} results)" users = adapter.users(adapter.config.uid, '*', limit) users.each do |user| puts "\tDN: #{user.dn}\t #{adapter.config.uid}: #{user.uid}" end end rescue Net::LDAP::ConnectionRefusedError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e puts "Could not connect to the LDAP server: #{e.message}".color(:red) end end end def check_ldap_auth(adapter) auth = adapter.config.has_auth? message = if auth && adapter.ldap.bind 'Success'.color(:green) elsif auth 'Failed. Check `bind_dn` and `password` configuration values'.color(:red) else 'Anonymous. No `bind_dn` or `password` configured'.color(:yellow) end puts "LDAP authentication... #{message}" end end namespace :repo do desc "GitLab | Check the integrity of the repositories managed by GitLab" task check: :gitlab_environment do puts "This task is deprecated. Please use gitlab:git:fsck instead".color(:red) Rake::Task["gitlab:git:fsck"].execute end end namespace :orphans do desc 'Gitlab | Check for orphaned namespaces and repositories' task check: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab checks = [ SystemCheck::Orphans::NamespaceCheck, SystemCheck::Orphans::RepositoryCheck ]'Orphans', checks) end desc 'GitLab | Check for orphaned namespaces in the repositories path' task check_namespaces: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab checks = [SystemCheck::Orphans::NamespaceCheck]'Orphans', checks) end desc 'GitLab | Check for orphaned repositories in the repositories path' task check_repositories: :gitlab_environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab checks = [SystemCheck::Orphans::RepositoryCheck]'Orphans', checks) end end namespace :user do desc "GitLab | Check the integrity of a specific user's repositories" task :check_repos, [:username] => :gitlab_environment do |t, args| username = args[:username] || prompt("Check repository integrity for username? ".color(:blue)) user = User.find_by(username: username) if user repo_dirs = do |p| File.join( p.repository_storage_path, "#{p.disk_path}.git" ) end repo_dirs.each { |repo_dir| check_repo_integrity(repo_dir) } else puts "\nUser '#{username}' not found".color(:red) end end end # Helper methods ########################## def check_gitlab_shell required_version =, gitlab_shell_minor_version, gitlab_shell_patch_version) current_version = Gitlab::VersionInfo.parse(gitlab_shell_version) print "GitLab Shell version >= #{required_version} ? ... " if current_version.valid? && required_version <= current_version puts "OK (#{current_version})".color(:green) else puts "FAIL. Please update gitlab-shell to #{required_version} from #{current_version}".color(:red) end end end