class CampfireService < Service prop_accessor :token, :subdomain, :room validates :token, presence: true, if: :activated? def title 'Campfire' end def description 'Simple web-based real-time group chat' end def self.to_param 'campfire' end def fields [ { type: 'text', name: 'token', placeholder: '', required: true }, { type: 'text', name: 'subdomain', placeholder: '' }, { type: 'text', name: 'room', placeholder: '' } ] end def self.supported_events %w(push) end def execute(data) return unless supported_events.include?(data[:object_kind]) message = build_message(data) speak(, message, auth) end private def base_uri @base_uri ||= "https://#{subdomain}" end def auth # use a dummy password, as explained in the Campfire API doc: # @auth ||= { basic_auth: { username: token, password: 'X' } } end # Post a message into a room, returns the message Hash in case of success. # Returns nil otherwise. # def speak(room_name, message, auth) room = rooms(auth).find { |r| r["name"] == room_name } return nil unless room path = "/room/#{room["id"]}/speak.json" body = { body: { message: { type: 'TextMessage', body: message } } } res =, base_uri: base_uri, **auth.merge(body)) res.code == 201 ? res : nil end # Returns a list of rooms, or []. # def rooms(auth) res = Gitlab::HTTP.get("/rooms.json", base_uri: base_uri, **auth) res.code == 200 ? res["rooms"] : [] end def build_message(push) ref = Gitlab::Git.ref_name(push[:ref]) before = push[:before] after = push[:after] message = "" message << "[#{project.name_with_namespace}] " message << "#{push[:user_name]} " if Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(before) message << "pushed new branch #{ref} \n" elsif Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(after) message << "removed branch #{ref} \n" else message << "pushed #{push[:total_commits_count]} commits to #{ref}. " message << "#{project.web_url}/compare/#{before}...#{after}" end message end end