# frozen_string_literal: true module API module Helpers module LabelHelpers extend Grape::API::Helpers params :label_create_params do requires :name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the label to be created' requires :color, type: String, desc: "The color of the label given in 6-digit hex notation with leading '#' sign (e.g. #FFAABB) or one of the allowed CSS color names" optional :description, type: String, desc: 'The description of label to be created' end def find_label(parent, id_or_title, include_ancestor_groups: true) labels = available_labels_for(parent, include_ancestor_groups: include_ancestor_groups) label = labels.find_by_id(id_or_title) || labels.find_by_title(id_or_title) label || not_found!('Label') end def get_labels(parent, entity) present paginate(available_labels_for(parent)), with: entity, current_user: current_user, parent: parent, with_counts: params[:with_counts] end def create_label(parent, entity) authorize! :admin_label, parent label = available_labels_for(parent).find_by_title(params[:name]) conflict!('Label already exists') if label priority = params.delete(:priority) label_params = declared_params(include_missing: false) label = ::Labels::CreateService.new(label_params).execute(create_service_params(parent)) if label.persisted? if parent.is_a?(Project) label.prioritize!(parent, priority) if priority end present label, with: entity, current_user: current_user, parent: parent else render_validation_error!(label) end end def update_label(parent, entity) authorize! :admin_label, parent label = find_label(parent, params_id_or_title, include_ancestor_groups: false) update_priority = params.key?(:priority) priority = params.delete(:priority) # params is used to update the label so we need to remove this field here params.delete(:label_id) label = ::Labels::UpdateService.new(declared_params(include_missing: false)).execute(label) render_validation_error!(label) unless label.valid? if parent.is_a?(Project) && update_priority if priority.nil? label.unprioritize!(parent) else label.prioritize!(parent, priority) end end present label, with: entity, current_user: current_user, parent: parent end def delete_label(parent) authorize! :admin_label, parent label = find_label(parent, params_id_or_title, include_ancestor_groups: false) destroy_conditionally!(label) end def params_id_or_title @params_id_or_title ||= params[:label_id] || params[:name] end def create_service_params(parent) if parent.is_a?(Project) { project: parent } elsif parent.is_a?(Group) { group: parent } else raise TypeError, 'Parent type is not supported' end end end end end