import Api from '~/api'; let channel; function broadcastCount(newCount) { if (!channel) { return; } channel.postMessage(newCount); } function updateUserMergeRequestCounts(newCount) { const mergeRequestsCountEl = document.querySelector('.merge-requests-count'); mergeRequestsCountEl.textContent = newCount.toLocaleString(); mergeRequestsCountEl.classList.toggle('hidden', Number(newCount) === 0); } /** * Refresh user counts (and broadcast if open) */ export function refreshUserMergeRequestCounts() { return Api.userCounts() .then(({ data }) => { const count = data.merge_requests; updateUserMergeRequestCounts(count); broadcastCount(count); }) .catch(ex => { console.error(ex); // eslint-disable-line no-console }); } /** * Close the broadcast channel for user counts */ export function closeUserCountsBroadcast() { if (!channel) { return; } channel.close(); channel = null; } /** * Open the broadcast channel for user counts, adds user id so we only update * * **Please note:** * Not supported in all browsers, but not polyfilling for now * to keep bundle size small and * no special functionality lost except cross tab notifications */ export function openUserCountsBroadcast() { closeUserCountsBroadcast(); if (window.BroadcastChannel) { const currentUserId = typeof gon !== 'undefined' && gon && gon.current_user_id; if (currentUserId) { channel = new BroadcastChannel(`mr_count_channel_${currentUserId}`); channel.onmessage = ev => { updateUserMergeRequestCounts(; }; } } }