import Vue from 'vue'; import repoFile from '~/repo/components/repo_file.vue'; describe('RepoFile', () => { const updated = 'updated'; const file = { icon: 'icon', url: 'url', name: 'name', lastCommitMessage: 'message', lastCommitUpdate:, level: 10, }; const activeFile = { url: 'url', }; function createComponent(propsData) { const RepoFile = Vue.extend(repoFile); return new RepoFile({ propsData, }).$mount(); } beforeEach(() => { spyOn(repoFile.mixins[0].methods, 'timeFormated').and.returnValue(updated); }); it('renders link, icon, name and last commit details', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, }); const name = vm.$el.querySelector('.repo-file-name'); const fileIcon = vm.$el.querySelector('.file-icon'); expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('active')).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector(`.${file.icon}`).style.marginLeft).toEqual('100px'); expect(name.title).toEqual(file.url); expect(name.href).toMatch(`/${file.url}`); expect(name.textContent.trim()).toEqual(; expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.commit-message').textContent.trim()).toBe(file.lastCommitMessage); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.commit-update').textContent.trim()).toBe(updated); expect(fileIcon.classList.contains(file.icon)).toBeTruthy(); expect(`${file.level * 10}px`); }); it('does render if hasFiles is true and is loading tree', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, loading: { tree: true, }, hasFiles: true, }); expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.fa-spin.fa-spinner')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('renders a spinner if the file is loading', () => { file.loading = true; const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, loading: { tree: true, }, hasFiles: true, }); expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.fa-spin.fa-spinner').style.marginLeft).toEqual(`${file.level * 10}px`); }); it('does not render if loading tree', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, loading: { tree: true, }, }); expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBeFalsy(); }); it('does not render commit message and datetime if mini', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, isMini: true, }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.commit-message')).toBeFalsy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.commit-update')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('does not set active class if file is active file', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile: {}, }); expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('active')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('fires linkClicked when the link is clicked', () => { const vm = createComponent({ file, activeFile, }); spyOn(vm, 'linkClicked'); vm.$el.querySelector('.repo-file-name').click(); expect(vm.linkClicked).toHaveBeenCalledWith(file); }); describe('methods', () => { describe('linkClicked', () => { const vm = jasmine.createSpyObj('vm', ['$emit']); it('$emits linkclicked with file obj', () => { const theFile = {};, theFile); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('linkclicked', theFile); }); }); }); });