module Ci module API class Triggers < Grape::API resource :projects do desc 'Trigger a GitLab CI project build' do success Entities::TriggerRequest end params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of a CI project' requires :ref, type: String, desc: "The name of project's branch or tag" requires :token, type: String, desc: 'The unique token of the trigger' optional :variables, type: Hash, desc: 'Optional build variables' end post ":id/refs/:ref/trigger" do project = Project.find_by(ci_id: params[:id]) trigger = Ci::Trigger.find_by_token(params[:token]) not_found! unless project && trigger unauthorized! unless trigger.project == project # Validate variables variables = params[:variables].to_h unless variables.all? { |key, value| key.is_a?(String) && value.is_a?(String) } render_api_error!('variables needs to be a map of key-valued strings', 400) end # create request and trigger builds result = Ci::CreateTriggerRequestService.execute(project, trigger, params[:ref], variables) pipeline = result.pipeline if pipeline.persisted? present result.trigger_request, with: Entities::TriggerRequest else render_validation_error!(pipeline) end end end end end end