# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::ServicesController do include JiraServiceHelper include AfterNextHelpers let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:service) { create(:jira_service, project: project) } let(:service_params) { { username: 'username', password: 'password', url: 'http://example.com' } } before do sign_in(user) project.add_maintainer(user) end describe '#test' do context 'when can_test? returns false' do it 'renders 404' do allow_any_instance_of(Service).to receive(:can_test?).and_return(false) put :test, params: project_params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'when validations fail' do let(:service_params) { { active: 'true', url: '' } } it 'returns error messages in JSON response' do put :test, params: project_params(service: service_params) expect(json_response['message']).to eq 'Validations failed.' expect(json_response['service_response']).to include "Url can't be blank" expect(response).to be_successful end end context 'success' do context 'with empty project' do let(:project) { create(:project) } context 'with chat notification service' do let(:service) { project.create_microsoft_teams_service(webhook: 'http://webhook.com') } it 'returns success' do allow_any_instance_of(MicrosoftTeams::Notifier).to receive(:ping).and_return(true) put :test, params: project_params expect(response).to be_successful end end it 'returns success' do stub_jira_service_test expect(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:get).with('/rest/api/2/serverInfo', any_args).and_call_original put :test, params: project_params(service: service_params) expect(response).to be_successful end end it 'returns success' do stub_jira_service_test expect(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:get).with('/rest/api/2/serverInfo', any_args).and_call_original put :test, params: project_params(service: service_params) expect(response).to be_successful end context 'when service is configured for the first time' do let(:service_params) do { 'active' => '1', 'push_events' => '1', 'token' => 'token', 'project_url' => 'https://buildkite.com/organization/pipeline' } end before do allow_any_instance_of(ServiceHook).to receive(:execute).and_return(true) end it 'persist the object' do do_put expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to be_empty expect(BuildkiteService.first).to be_present end it 'creates the ServiceHook object' do do_put expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to be_empty expect(BuildkiteService.first.service_hook).to be_present end def do_put put :test, params: project_params(id: 'buildkite', service: service_params) end end end context 'failure' do it 'returns an error response when the integration test fails' do stub_request(:get, 'http://example.com/rest/api/2/serverInfo') .to_return(status: 404) put :test, params: project_params(service: service_params) expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to eq( 'error' => true, 'message' => 'Connection failed. Please check your settings.', 'service_response' => '', 'test_failed' => true ) end context 'with the Slack integration' do let_it_be(:service) { build(:slack_service) } it 'returns an error response when the URL is blocked' do put :test, params: project_params(service: { webhook: '' }) expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to eq( 'error' => true, 'message' => 'Connection failed. Please check your settings.', 'service_response' => "URL '' is blocked: Requests to localhost are not allowed", 'test_failed' => true ) end it 'returns an error response when a network exception is raised' do expect_next(SlackService).to receive(:test).and_raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) put :test, params: project_params expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to eq( 'error' => true, 'message' => 'Connection failed. Please check your settings.', 'service_response' => 'Connection refused', 'test_failed' => true ) end end end end describe 'PUT #update' do describe 'as HTML' do let(:service_params) { { active: true } } let(:params) { project_params(service: service_params) } let(:message) { 'Jira settings saved and active.' } let(:redirect_url) { edit_project_service_path(project, service) } before do put :update, params: params end shared_examples 'service update' do it 'redirects to the correct url with a flash message' do expect(response).to redirect_to(redirect_url) expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(message) end end context 'when param `active` is set to true' do let(:params) { project_params(service: service_params, redirect_to: redirect) } context 'when redirect_to param is present' do let(:redirect) { '/redirect_here' } let(:redirect_url) { redirect } it_behaves_like 'service update' end context 'when redirect_to is an external domain' do let(:redirect) { 'http://examle.com' } it_behaves_like 'service update' end context 'when redirect_to param is an empty string' do let(:redirect) { '' } it_behaves_like 'service update' end end context 'when param `active` is set to false' do let(:service_params) { { active: false } } let(:message) { 'Jira settings saved, but not active.' } it_behaves_like 'service update' end context 'wehn param `inherit_from_id` is set to empty string' do let(:service_params) { { inherit_from_id: '' } } it 'sets inherit_from_id to nil' do expect(service.reload.inherit_from_id).to eq(nil) end end context 'wehn param `inherit_from_id` is set to some value' do let(:instance_service) { create(:jira_service, :instance) } let(:service_params) { { inherit_from_id: instance_service.id } } it 'sets inherit_from_id to value' do expect(service.reload.inherit_from_id).to eq(instance_service.id) end end end describe 'as JSON' do before do stub_jira_service_test put :update, params: project_params(service: service_params, format: :json) end context 'when update succeeds' do let(:service_params) { { url: 'http://example.com' } } it 'returns JSON response with no errors' do expect(response).to be_successful expect(json_response).to include('active' => true, 'errors' => {}) end end context 'when update fails' do let(:service_params) { { url: '' } } it 'returns JSON response with errors' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to include( 'active' => true, 'errors' => { 'url' => ['must be a valid URL', %{can't be blank}] } ) end end end context 'Prometheus service' do let!(:service) { create(:prometheus_service, project: project) } let(:service_params) { { manual_configuration: '1', api_url: 'http://example.com' } } context 'feature flag :settings_operations_prometheus_service is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(settings_operations_prometheus_service: true) end it 'redirects user back to edit page with alert' do put :update, params: project_params.merge(service: service_params) expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_project_service_path(project, service)) expected_alert = "You can now manage your Prometheus settings on the Operations page. Fields on this page has been deprecated." expect(response).to set_flash.now[:alert].to(expected_alert) end it 'does not modify service' do expect { put :update, params: project_params.merge(service: service_params) }.not_to change { project.prometheus_service.reload.attributes } end end context 'feature flag :settings_operations_prometheus_service is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(settings_operations_prometheus_service: false) end it 'modifies service' do expect { put :update, params: project_params.merge(service: service_params) }.to change { project.prometheus_service.reload.attributes } end end end end describe 'GET #edit' do context 'Jira service' do let(:service_param) { 'jira' } before do get :edit, params: project_params(id: service_param) end context 'with approved services' do it 'renders edit page' do expect(response).to be_successful end end end context 'Prometheus service' do let(:service_param) { 'prometheus' } context 'feature flag :settings_operations_prometheus_service is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(settings_operations_prometheus_service: true) get :edit, params: project_params(id: service_param) end it 'renders deprecation warning notice' do expected_alert = "You can now manage your Prometheus settings on the Operations page. Fields on this page has been deprecated." expect(response).to set_flash.now[:alert].to(expected_alert) end end context 'feature flag :settings_operations_prometheus_service is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(settings_operations_prometheus_service: false) get :edit, params: project_params(id: service_param) end it 'does not render deprecation warning notice' do expect(response).not_to set_flash.now[:alert] end end end end private def project_params(opts = {}) opts.reverse_merge( namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, id: service.to_param ) end end