# frozen_string_literal: true class RemoveDuplicateLabelsFromProject < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] DOWNTIME = false CREATE = 1 RENAME = 2 disable_ddl_transaction! class BackupLabel < Label self.table_name = 'backup_labels' end class Label < ApplicationRecord self.table_name = 'labels' end class Project < ApplicationRecord include EachBatch self.table_name = 'projects' end BATCH_SIZE = 100_000 def up # Split to smaller chunks # Loop rather than background job, every 100,000 # there are 45,000,000 projects in total Project.each_batch(of: BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| range = batch.pluck('MIN(id)', 'MAX(id)').first transaction do remove_full_duplicates(*range) end transaction do rename_partial_duplicates(*range) end end end def down Project.each_batch(of: BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| range = batch.pluck('MIN(id)', 'MAX(id)').first restore_renamed_labels(*range) restore_deleted_labels(*range) end end def remove_full_duplicates(start_id, stop_id) # Fields that are considered duplicate: # project_id title template description type color duplicate_labels = ApplicationRecord.connection.execute(<<-SQL.squish) WITH data AS #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} ( SELECT labels.*, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY labels.project_id, labels.title, labels.template, labels.description, labels.type, labels.color ORDER BY labels.id) AS row_number, #{CREATE} AS restore_action FROM labels WHERE labels.project_id BETWEEN #{start_id} AND #{stop_id} AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM board_labels WHERE board_labels.label_id = labels.id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM label_links WHERE label_links.label_id = labels.id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM label_priorities WHERE label_priorities.label_id = labels.id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM lists WHERE lists.label_id = labels.id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM resource_label_events WHERE resource_label_events.label_id = labels.id) ) SELECT * FROM data WHERE row_number > 1; SQL if duplicate_labels.any? # create backup records BackupLabel.insert_all!(duplicate_labels.map { |label| label.except("row_number") }) Label.where(id: duplicate_labels.pluck("id")).delete_all end end def rename_partial_duplicates(start_id, stop_id) # We need to ensure that the new title (with `_duplicate#{ID}`) doesn't exceed the limit. # Truncate the original title (if needed) to 245 characters minus the length of the ID # then add `_duplicate#{ID}` soft_duplicates = ApplicationRecord.connection.execute(<<-SQL.squish) WITH data AS #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} ( SELECT *, substring(title from 1 for 245 - length(id::text)) || '_duplicate' || id::text as new_title, #{RENAME} AS restore_action, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY project_id, title ORDER BY id) AS row_number FROM labels WHERE project_id BETWEEN #{start_id} AND #{stop_id} ) SELECT * FROM data WHERE row_number > 1; SQL if soft_duplicates.any? # create backup records BackupLabel.insert_all!(soft_duplicates.map { |label| label.except("row_number") }) ApplicationRecord.connection.execute(<<-SQL.squish) UPDATE labels SET title = substring(title from 1 for 245 - length(id::text)) || '_duplicate' || id::text WHERE labels.id IN (#{soft_duplicates.map { |dup| dup["id"] }.join(", ")}); SQL end end def restore_renamed_labels(start_id, stop_id) # the backup label IDs are not incremental, they are copied directly from the Labels table ApplicationRecord.connection.execute(<<-SQL.squish) WITH backups AS #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} ( SELECT id, title FROM backup_labels WHERE project_id BETWEEN #{start_id} AND #{stop_id} AND restore_action = #{RENAME} ) UPDATE labels SET title = backups.title FROM backups WHERE labels.id = backups.id; SQL end def restore_deleted_labels(start_id, stop_id) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-SQL.squish) INSERT INTO labels SELECT id, title, color, project_id, created_at, updated_at, template, description, description_html, type, group_id, cached_markdown_version FROM backup_labels WHERE backup_labels.project_id BETWEEN #{start_id} AND #{stop_id} AND backup_labels.restore_action = #{CREATE} SQL end end