# frozen_string_literal: true # # Cascading attributes enables managing settings in a flexible way. # # - Instance administrator can define an instance-wide default setting, or # lock the setting to prevent change by group owners. # - Group maintainers/owners can define a default setting for their group, or # lock the setting to prevent change by sub-group maintainers/owners. # # Behavior: # # - When a group does not have a value (value is `nil`), cascade up the # hierarchy to find the first non-nil value. # - Settings can be locked at any level to prevent groups/sub-groups from # overriding. # - If the setting isn't locked, the default can be overridden. # - An instance administrator or group maintainer/owner can push settings values # to groups/sub-groups to override existing values, even when the setting # is not otherwise locked. # module CascadingNamespaceSettingAttribute extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize class_methods do def cascading_settings_feature_enabled? ::Feature.enabled?(:cascading_namespace_settings, default_enabled: true) end private # Facilitates the cascading lookup of values and, # similar to Rails' `attr_accessor`, defines convenience methods such as # a reader, writer, and validators. # # Example: `cascading_attr :delayed_project_removal` # # Public methods defined: # - `delayed_project_removal` # - `delayed_project_removal=` # - `delayed_project_removal_locked?` # - `delayed_project_removal_locked_by_ancestor?` # - `delayed_project_removal_locked_by_application_setting?` # - `delayed_project_removal?` (only defined for boolean attributes) # - `delayed_project_removal_locked_ancestor` - Returns locked namespace settings object (only namespace_id) # # Defined validators ensure attribute value cannot be updated if locked by # an ancestor or application settings. # # Requires database columns be present in both `namespace_settings` and # `application_settings`. def cascading_attr(*attributes) attributes.map(&:to_sym).each do |attribute| # public methods define_attr_reader(attribute) define_attr_writer(attribute) define_lock_methods(attribute) alias_boolean(attribute) # private methods define_validator_methods(attribute) define_after_update(attribute) validate :"#{attribute}_changeable?" validate :"lock_#{attribute}_changeable?" after_update :"clear_descendant_#{attribute}_locks", if: -> { saved_change_to_attribute?("lock_#{attribute}", to: true) } end end # The cascading attribute reader method handles lookups # with the following criteria: # # 1. Returns the dirty value, if the attribute has changed. # 2. Return locked ancestor value. # 3. Return locked instance-level application settings value. # 4. Return this namespace's attribute, if not nil. # 5. Return value from nearest ancestor where value is not nil. # 6. Return instance-level application setting. def define_attr_reader(attribute) define_method(attribute) do strong_memoize(attribute) do next self[attribute] unless self.class.cascading_settings_feature_enabled? next self[attribute] if will_save_change_to_attribute?(attribute) next locked_value(attribute) if cascading_attribute_locked?(attribute) next self[attribute] unless self[attribute].nil? cascaded_value = cascaded_ancestor_value(attribute) next cascaded_value unless cascaded_value.nil? application_setting_value(attribute) end end end def define_attr_writer(attribute) define_method("#{attribute}=") do |value| clear_memoization(attribute) super(value) end end def define_lock_methods(attribute) define_method("#{attribute}_locked?") do cascading_attribute_locked?(attribute) end define_method("#{attribute}_locked_by_ancestor?") do locked_by_ancestor?(attribute) end define_method("#{attribute}_locked_by_application_setting?") do locked_by_application_setting?(attribute) end define_method("#{attribute}_locked_ancestor") do locked_ancestor(attribute) end end def alias_boolean(attribute) return unless Gitlab::Database.exists? && type_for_attribute(attribute).type == :boolean alias_method :"#{attribute}?", attribute end # Defines two validations - one for the cascadable attribute itself and one # for the lock attribute. Only allows the respective value to change if # an ancestor has not already locked the value. def define_validator_methods(attribute) define_method("#{attribute}_changeable?") do return unless cascading_attribute_changed?(attribute) return unless cascading_attribute_locked?(attribute) errors.add(attribute, s_('CascadingSettings|cannot be changed because it is locked by an ancestor')) end define_method("lock_#{attribute}_changeable?") do return unless cascading_attribute_changed?("lock_#{attribute}") if cascading_attribute_locked?(attribute) return errors.add(:"lock_#{attribute}", s_('CascadingSettings|cannot be changed because it is locked by an ancestor')) end # Don't allow locking a `nil` attribute. # Even if the value being locked is currently cascaded from an ancestor, # it should be copied to this record to avoid the ancestor changing the # value unexpectedly later. return unless self[attribute].nil? && public_send("lock_#{attribute}?") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend errors.add(attribute, s_('CascadingSettings|cannot be nil when locking the attribute')) end private :"#{attribute}_changeable?", :"lock_#{attribute}_changeable?" end # When a particular group locks the attribute, clear all sub-group locks # since the higher lock takes priority. def define_after_update(attribute) define_method("clear_descendant_#{attribute}_locks") do self.class.where(namespace_id: descendants).update_all("lock_#{attribute}" => false) end private :"clear_descendant_#{attribute}_locks" end end private def locked_value(attribute) ancestor = locked_ancestor(attribute) return ancestor.read_attribute(attribute) if ancestor Gitlab::CurrentSettings.public_send(attribute) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def locked_ancestor(attribute) return unless self.class.cascading_settings_feature_enabled? return unless namespace.has_parent? strong_memoize(:"#{attribute}_locked_ancestor") do self.class .select(:namespace_id, "lock_#{attribute}", attribute) .where(namespace_id: namespace_ancestor_ids) .where(self.class.arel_table["lock_#{attribute}"].eq(true)) .limit(1).load.first end end def locked_by_ancestor?(attribute) return false unless self.class.cascading_settings_feature_enabled? locked_ancestor(attribute).present? end def locked_by_application_setting?(attribute) return false unless self.class.cascading_settings_feature_enabled? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.public_send("lock_#{attribute}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def cascading_attribute_locked?(attribute) locked_by_ancestor?(attribute) || locked_by_application_setting?(attribute) end def cascading_attribute_changed?(attribute) public_send("#{attribute}_changed?") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def cascaded_ancestor_value(attribute) return unless namespace.has_parent? # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection self.class .select(attribute) .joins("join unnest(ARRAY[#{namespace_ancestor_ids.join(',')}]) with ordinality t(namespace_id, ord) USING (namespace_id)") .where("#{attribute} IS NOT NULL") .order('t.ord') .limit(1).first&.read_attribute(attribute) # rubocop:enable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection end def application_setting_value(attribute) Gitlab::CurrentSettings.public_send(attribute) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def namespace_ancestor_ids strong_memoize(:namespace_ancestor_ids) do namespace.self_and_ancestors(hierarchy_order: :asc).pluck(:id).reject { |id| id == namespace_id } end end def descendants strong_memoize(:descendants) do namespace.descendants.pluck(:id) end end end