- if @status .bs-callout.bs-callout-success %p %b= _("Status:") = _("syntax is correct") = render "projects/ci/lints/lint_warnings", warnings: @warnings .table-holder %table.table.table-bordered %thead %tr %th= _("Parameter") %th= _("Value") %tbody - if @dry_run - @stages.each do |stage| - stage.statuses.each do |job| %tr %td #{stage.name.capitalize} Job - #{job.name} %td %pre= job.options[:before_script].to_a.join('\n') %pre= job.options[:script].to_a.join('\n') %pre= job.options[:after_script].to_a.join('\n') %br %b= _("Tag list:") = job.tag_list.to_a.join(", ") if job.is_a?(Ci::Build) %br %b= _("Environment:") = job.options.dig(:environment, :name) %br %b= _("When:") = job.when - if job.allow_failure %b= _("Allowed to fail") - else - @stages.each do |stage| - @builds.select { |build| build[:stage] == stage }.each do |build| - job = @jobs[build[:name].to_sym] %tr %td #{stage.capitalize} Job - #{build[:name]} %td %pre= job[:before_script].to_a.join('\n') %pre= job[:script].to_a.join('\n') %pre= job[:after_script].to_a.join('\n') %br %b= _("Tag list:") = build[:tag_list].to_a.join(", ") %br %b= _("Only policy:") = job[:only].to_a.join(", ") %br %b= _("Except policy:") = job[:except].to_a.join(", ") %br %b= _("Environment:") = build[:environment] %br %b= _("When:") = build[:when] - if build[:allow_failure] %b= _("Allowed to fail") - else .bs-callout.bs-callout-danger %p %b= _("Status:") = _("syntax is incorrect") %pre - @errors.each do |message| %p= message = render "projects/ci/lints/lint_warnings", warnings: @warnings